Saturday, December 25, 2010

How To Get My Wife To Wax

! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Preliminary action

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can Pap Smear Test Pick Herpes

year 60,000 visitors dancing

- So?.
- And what, Mom?.
- How goes it?.
- How is that?.
- "That."
- If you answered what I think about your questions you're going to offend.
- Tell me ...
- what I think?.
-No. How are you?.
-Passing one of the greatest moments of my life.
"I did not look good.
- Then why questions.
- Because I realize you're wrong. I told Dad I was worried about you.
- Last time you told me that was in fourth grade, when you thought was a lesbian?.
"I'm serious. Olga told me it was clean and I found the phone cursing shouting.
- Yes. With Euge. He told me the end of a movie I wanted to see. I was cursing to a friend, Mom. I'm not one of your patients.
- No I'm asking you as a psychologist.
- You ask me as a mother is much worse.
- You go out with someone?.
- No.
- Do you miss John?.
"Sometimes yes. It was a long time.
-I read the twitter. Did I tell you?.
- What?.
"That you read the twitter. If I had any doubt that he was an asshole, I confirmed.
"Mom ... "You read the twitter of my ex?.
- The read yours too. I hate to put so much of DRUGS.
- But it's a joke ...
- At this age you have to explain anything to me. I smoked spliff with a boyfriend once, in a bathtub. So it is on Drugs.
- In Brazil?.
"No, with that I understood through gestures.
- What happened to those who work in advertising, who dresses weird?.
-has a girlfriend.
"Oh, and it killed you. I realized I was depressed. I know.
- I'm not depressed, Mom. I have no desire to be with a guy who goes with another, which will come to my house at 3 am, hiding from the model girlfriend you have, you go to bed with me, will use my shower to shower, then I will ask him to avoid suspicion SMELL, to see if you still have my scent, like an animal or something, and is leaving with wet hair dicéndome "talk" "I call."
- Well. Not that bad. When I met your father, he was a partner.
- What?
- Yeah, yeah. For quite some.

My mom was shitting on me roughly. Not only because he could not overcome the karma that psychologists have to their children, I remind you that any interpretation out of session is rude - but also because I was revealing intimate details of my old age I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. I like Euge had told the end of a movie. There are things I prefer not to hear. If my dad was a pirate, I preferred not to know.

"The best thing for depression is to clear out, get cute ...
"I told you I'm not depressed.
-Start year dancing.
- Are you seeing?.
-Going to dance.
"Mom, I'm not going to dance since she was 18.
"Well, no, what do you do?. Are they going to bars?. Here you can find.
- I do not think Kimm & Novack or Bizarro World are places where you can get a boyfriend.
- insisting I come to introduce the son of Marcela.
- has 21 years, Mom.
- but it seems more. Para su edad es muy maduro.
-¿De que voy a hablar con un chico de 21 años?. No vió ni Grande Pá. No tengo cosas en común. Le debo parecer una señora.
-Pero es un chico precioso.
- Definitivamente no lo es.
- Si no lo conocés.
-Lo tengo en Facebook, me pidió amistad.
- Bueno, va a Mar de las Pampas. Vamos a pasar el 24 con ellos , es una buena oportunidad de que se conozcan. Además el quiere ser periodista , por ahi le podés dar una mano con el laburo y ¿quien te dice?.
-No voy a salir con el hijo de Marcela.
- Bueno , fijate. Es un buen chico. Sino , te vas a quedar saliendo toda la vida con tipos llenos de "problemitas".

Esta soy yo. Un Tuesday afternoon. Armando a bag to go and spend Christmas in a cabin in the woods with my two parents, Marcella and son virgin of 21 years. And worst of all is that my mother has as much right to reduce the concept of marital status to guys with "little problems" I can not deny for a minute I was in the middle of the dunes, teaching him to kiss a child 21, who in his Facebook profile picture is the donkey from Shrek.

Does Implantation Exists

Thank you all for your mails and comments on Facebook.

And my old, please ask me to stop saying the word PITO because her friends read the blog.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ultrapro Dongle Emulator

My psychologist and resigned, the other day tried hypnotize. I was afraid. What I know, I was the son of Tusam. "You fail" and I actually think it failed. It all started badly. It all started like this ...
"Let's see, let us think so we can work together. What is what is going wrong?
- For me it's me.
- Do you feel that the fault is in you?.
- Yes, almost certainly yes.
- Why?
"Because I choose wrong. I always pick that I have to choose from. Eye, just that I have to choose not know where they are. Or not born yet.
- How's that?. Irma
"It's so, I graph. I'm fine, do what I like, I will write the pilot, I have the radio, it's like I'm unstoppable.
- Yes?. And why did you call me at three o'clock yesterday?.
"I felt a little sick.
"You said you wanted to have a romantic death ...
-had taken over. I got melanco not going to kill me. "That will ensure
Norman Briski ...
"Yes, it was my drama teacher. Did I say that?. I do not remember that part.
- My what worries me is your relationship with men. Men who you choose to join you in your life, the things you said in the sessions. Certain notes that I made. Close your eyes and Listen to yourself. For example: "It's a drunk, is a dwarf and is believed cute."
- Yes. And is an accent Cordoba I did not finish close.
- So you worry more for the accent if you take two bottles of wine in half an hour.
- I resent the people who are not of Cordoba and speaks with an accent.
- (Silence).
- You're in Cordoba?.
- Let us otherwise. "I feel like going out with him. But I left with two of his friends. I feel it would be easier if we left the four-and-play.
- Yeah, yeah, it was a very dark period of my life.
- still. "It looks like Vincent from Beauty and the Beast."
- Did I say that?.
- The issue is that I do not remember speaking. Just know several Vincents.
- .....
- I meant the version of the story was adapted for television
- "You think you can call anytime. I'm going to smash. HA HA."
- No. HA HA I NEVER say no.
- .....
- "has a girlfriend but I saw it and is Cesar Banana Pueyrredón.Creo that I have chances there."
- But is it difficult traits. And the pear very end.
- "He invited me to the house and began to wash his underwear by hand Camellito."
- I fucked a touch to see who had several types of soap.
- "He wants to film a sex tape and do not realize their limitations."
- Because you have to have with you to film ...
- "I invited her sister's house, which I think is Mormon."
- "is 42, lives with his mother and has a size Chewaka in the room."
- "He introduced me to his friends as SU celebrants.
- .....
- "It's all gray. Everything."
- "I found a photo of The Teen Angels on your PC."
- "Le Brique cardholder was in Villa Gesell.

And memories were passing, I read phrases Irma. But with eyes closed is difficult. See all black, make an effort to remember and you mixture advertising Burger King with the brothers of MDQ, the top of the new life in Chile Pampita face Macri, and half your story, read by another, is but sinister than it seems.
When I left, I called Lau. Three things I said. That if I remember perfectly. "NO MORE LAME." I got into the first Burger King I found and ordered two complete menus to go. Meanwhile, trying to devise a strategy to put back on track and forget my love life forever I gave him kisses the beast Vincent.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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COAC Order 2011 Cadiz Carnival

the ever

Finally, according to information sent to Cadiz Bay DAILY , the lottery has brought to lift the curtain on 2011, the choir COAC Sevilla 'Café Teatro Alameda', but the highlight of the first night will be the joke of Selu, 'Number 1 in sales (and stations). " Another joke, 'Binge' of San Fernando, the mission will to close the ever-questionable quality and quantity in the morning, preliminary 20 to February 21, minutes before the first selection of the jury, which this year will be chaired by a woman, Maria Victoria Smith.En a quick review of some groupings still waiting for the favorite and a priori, the troupe of Jesus Welcome, first prize in 2010 in its form, under the name of 'The currelantes', will perform on Saturday 5, the joke of Vera Luque' The Cadiz Post Times: The morning paper ', will begin to defend their deserved first in the final contest on Monday 14, the fourth of Morera, will do the same, but adds three consecutive first- under the name of 'Those who took the monkey off Amedia and the middle', and in choirs, the Pastrana, the first order in 2010 against the almighty Julio Pardo, open meeting on Thursday, February 10, now with the name 'The Early Bird. There is clearly, by its mass following, the troupe of Juan Carlos Aragon, "princes", will premiere on Monday, 7, and the troupe of Antonio Martin, 'The Madness of Martin Burton' on Saturday 12.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mexico Driver Templates

The Municipal Tourist Cadiz City Council presented during the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (Fitur) Carnaval de Cádiz 2011. Specifically, the presentation will Jan. 22, from 21 am, at the Teatro Monumental, same scenario as last year, a building with a capacity of more than 1,600 people at an event in which City Hall, as usual, invited to attend the groups that won this year's Official Competition Falla Theatre Groups. Thus, for the first time, the Municipal Hall Cadiz matches the presentation of Carnival in the capital to attend the International Tourism Fair, which will increase its promotion to the exhibitors and attendees themselves to the fair, which will have the opportunity to see first hand One of the most attractive city in the face of their promotion to the outside, as is the great festival of Cadiz International Tourist Interest.

Source: Diario de Cadiz

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Watch Explicit Brazilian Wax

MADRID performance of "The Cristalitos" We have NEW PRINCE

A new opportunity to see these great extras in Cadiz and enjoy a good selection of songs anthologies carnival. The appointment is in the Hall Suite 215, in Alcala de Guadaira, Paradise area, downtown. The performance is Friday, December 10th from 22:00. Entrance is 8 euros enticipada consumisión, the day of the show are 12 euros. Limited capacity.
crystallites Tickets for 8 EUR, 12 EUR IN DOOR. (Contact tel 695204009 nacho).
or send a private on TUENTI's BLOG .....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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The Grinch

missing 22 days to Christmas and I'm mutating into Michael Douglas in Falling Down. I hate Christmas with all my being, my 66 meters high, with my XXX kilos (or fart around here say how much weight) but believe me, I hate.
I'm like the Grinch, I'm the person who most hates. Mind you, I want to clarify that my problem is with Christmas and NOT NEW Year. With New Year is all but good, and is submerged in a sediment depressed as last year, I relive the day 30, 31 I gather all my friends at home, dance and always stays one ball making it fun - see the member to your friend is material for another post, but yes, I like the New Year.
Now CHINGEL BELL NO. Always been a hated figure of Santa Claus. Do not you? . Do parents not realize this?. What is traumatic for a kid to think that a big red suit with a white beard and dwarves elves will go down the chimney to leave gifts. A terrified me. I was not thinking about gifts. I thought of that fat. No ... Santa, I like you very badly. Undercover pedophile give me, give me eat fat-kid. Not to mention the Magi, three chabon coming from beyond the TU to take water and feed their camels. In other words, the mere idea that a guy named MELCHOR into my house with a camel while I slept was a shocking image. And the Tooth Fairy?. What do I say that?. A rat bone collector. A rat exchange money for your teeth. What makes the teeth? Why you want a rat your teeth?.

back to my family Christmas Eve celebration is a very special kid and that is all white. To see Mom, Who are we?. Alan slaughter?. Do Valeria Mazza blond children?. Who are we to dress all in white?. Visualize my uncle VITHEL source TONE dressed to the nines, like ice cream, or pseudo-Mexican drug leader with background Carols - telling bad jokes. And everyone laughs. White. "Sad, no?. Me smoke from 84 ...

Another familiar ritual is SWEET TABLE. Year after year, my aunts made goodies and sweets, which tasted after 24. Something that would be really beautiful, but see it marred by many anecdotes, the "big" feature under the influence of champagne.

- "One Christmas when you were little girl did poop in the tree."
- "The bird that had not escaped. Fried died.
- "The maid who had not only robbed, but did black magic".

And I'm hearing about things that do not choose to know, as a group of dancing sixtysomethings Leo Dan, do "the little train "and I remember - once again, it's Christmas, I'm single, and the only thing I did since I started eating chicken the night is cold with Russian salad. And open colonies that I will never use. Romi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wedding Blessing For Program

Juan Jose Arauz springers "THE SUCK" Toni will be the substitute, the louse in the comparsa de Juan Carlos Aragon "Los Principes" a surprise because "Chupa" did not come out since 2008 with "The Perfumers"

13 Foot Boat Trailers

February 4 as the starting date of the contest

The executive board of the Board confirmed yesterday the date of February 4 as the beginning of the Official Competition of the Gran Teatro Falla Groups, 2011 , after announcing it as provisional ago month. From that day, coinciding with the start of the qualifiers for adults, and the final, 4 February, just a month mediate couplets. The qualifying will run until February 20 to 17 sessions. The quarterfinals will be from 22 to 27 February, with 21 as the only rest day, the semi-finals on 28 February, 1 and 2 March and the final on Friday 4 March. All meetings start at nine o'clock at night.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Verility Ex Cock Growth Blog

"I clearly"

Comparsa with music and lyrics by Manuel Sevilla Pecci.
Comparsa "Los Ladrones" (2008)

But this is a game shit contest of strategies and tricks ... no matter your land sing anything goes in this war there is to know the contest .....

Friday, November 26, 2010

Zebra With Paris Theme

! LICE descasar THIS YEAR! !

We can confirm that Tony 'The Louse' may not participate in the troupe 'The Prince' by Juan Carlos Aragón. Your doctor has advised rest, and his group, he has relied on this difficult decision.
The progress of the trials, there has been an impediment to their peers, assume that this year will be without him, and wish him a speedy recovery.
Problems with your vocal chords, recommend this measure. A break that will allow you to consider, briefly, back again to participate on the boards of Falla.

Stop Friends Looking At Friend List On Facebook

already starting to smell like dressing

already beginning to smell the first jajajaja backstage nerves, like going out to give everything, to know how the public will respond to your repertoire and enjoy the action and LORDS IS LESS " CARNIVAL 2011 "

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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's biography Martínez Ares

The publication will be presented Dec. 2 at 19 hours at the Municipal Art Center Flamenco La Merced and will oversee the renowned author of Carnival Antonio Martín García, which has also been a preacher of this parties.In this book are revealed many enigmas of history carnival. It tells the truth about what happened. From what people think they know because someone has told but Antonio has never confessed. It said that in his day but certainly not as clear as now. It provides answers to the failures and triumphs, hugs and stab wounds to the unit and the break, to love and heartbreak, passion for the party and his departure for siempre.Además, Antonio Martínez Ares himself has wanted to be part of it directly, including a diary of each of its extras. A diary of a particular time each year of competition. A Journal of twenty years of his life. A diary, without mincing words, reveals her feelings at all times. A journal that complements this work where the icing on the cake makes the selection of photographs under the name Binder images illustrating the text, doing the same, regardless of criticism, a collector's item. Photographs since I was a baby, with her parents, at school, his first stories in the hospital, playing football, its extras, friends, your partner ... and all accompanied by notes taken by the author of Carnival .

Martínez Ares, better known in the field carnival as El Nino has been and is one of the authors of best-loved Carnaval de Cádiz, heard, admired, applauded, respected, envied and also in some cases punished and hated. For many, the largest Party and all who knew someone special to innovate and take the form of carnival as many fans I have ever had. A kind of what happened with the flamenco Camaron de la Isla

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jelly Bracelet Meanings Glitter Black

I like a gay. Yes. A GAY. 50,000 views

came to my house very worried because I do not own, did not attend the phone or answering emails, but had sent a text to copy all my friends that read: "I LIKE A GAY. KILL ME NOW."

- How do you like a gay?.
- Yes, I like a guy who I think is gay.
- How do you think?. Is it or not?.
- No.
- "But you said ... I'm gay?
- I do not think you know but it is.
- GAY?
- GAY, boluda, like the whistle.
- I know what is gay. I do not understand is that having a thousand types to catch you whenever you drink the filing, the phobic and now gay.
- No MIL types.
- Not one more or less.
- All people are a tower. And show me that you say "trans". Instead of saying "give me a kiss," you guys who still say "trans". Maxi said trans.
- Ok and who is this gay?.
- One that I met there. Friend of a friend of Lau. We went to a party and we talked all the funny noche.Muy. It made me laugh a lot with imitation de Araujo.
- What Araujo?.
- Marcelo Araujo, a rapporteur of the football. He was perfect the MACAYA THESE CRAZY. A Closs also out-Don Niembraaa-but he does not get as good as Araujo. Well, I invited him to my house. We arrived, took whiskey and I got music.
- And? Did you play rugby in balls?.
- No. I wish. I'm playing music and goes to my DVDs. Go on to The Sound of Music and asks me to put
- I will not make any joke about it.
-Boluda, this is serious. I'm depressed. No WTF. Start the movie and knew all the songs, Romi. Do you understand?. ALL. The singing nuns, Edelweiss, the DO RE MI FA ... ALL.
- Para. "You made me come down here because they assume that a guy like The Sound of Music and then it control?.
- danced. Did the choreography. Do you understand?. We did Captain Von Trapp and Maria and put a deboulé that gets him and Julio Bocca. That I already felt bad. I conditions. Returned the couch to chat. I asked him if he made dances. I said no. Than ever. I had learned as a boy, watching Queen Colors. The situation is serious, you see.
- Well, you can surround and like dancing girls.
- is painted eyes.
- Emanuel Horvilleur also because I liked you.
- and nails.
- There is already screwed.
"He asked me who else in the world warmed.
- Jason Schwartzman?.
-No. Oh, yes. But I said: VOS. And stared at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. IN THE FRONT. It's like you're dying and you are given the last rites. And he said: "Chiquita, you're an illusion" with a voice that Spinetta fell.
- An illusion?.
"And I said, Seth Rogen.
- that Seth Rogen is the person who'll be warm on the ground. Then they justified this by saying that the humor heats up and gave a theory of mine too when I went to Puan, the important thing is what a person will "produce" and that the mines are pretty but that was it, and we define "warm" but Angelina Jolie did not say or even Megan Fox said Tina Fey. TYPE elected.
- For there is a modern.
- What Googlies.
- When you type?
- No. I searched Google I KNOW IF A MAN IS GAY.
- And?
"Nothing, I closed it right away. Homosexual writing without "h".
- Did you tell John?.
- Yes.
- What you think?.
- What is a sommelier whistles, and he told me.
- What now?. Were you on call?.
- Yes. We said that we arranged to go to the movies together.
- What will see?.
- The Chronicles of Narnia.
- Yes. Is gay.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Preserve Evergreens

And more videos of "Rhythm of Tangay!" (3)

Ripoll Lázaro Luiz Comparsa. Second Prize
Comparsa "Puppets" (1976) - Pasodoble "The Streets of Cadiz"

Comparsa de Luis Ripoll. Third Prize.
Rhythm of Tangai - Comparsa "The Beagle" (1978) - Presentation

Comparsa "Men of the Country" (1979) - Presentation "Where I come
Comparsa de Chiclana de la Frontera, with lyrics and music by Enrique Villegas Velez. First Provincial Award.

Chirigota "The Mulilleros Cai" (1979) - Pasodoble "Although I am not"
Chirigota Ramon Diaz Gomez, "Fletilla." First Prize. The origin of "Fletilla" is that when Young was singing as "Fleta" great English tenor.

Comparsa "Los Charlies Rives (1979) - Pasodoble" Good to have "
Comparsa San Fernando with lyrics and music by Antonio Martin (Third prize provincial). He made another grouping in this city: Buenaventura (1975) and another in El Puerto: The suburban (1979)

Boat Hard Word Floor Price

MAJOR AUTHORS (1) Julio Pardo Merelo

Well who better to abri CONTENTS this new blog called " great authority" Julio Pardo one of the best authors of Cadiz and this year will be in charge of giving the proclamation Cadiz Carnival 2011 I hope you like and that each week will be a new Great Author who pass through here.

Julio Pardo is considered one of the most important authors and most successful in the Cadiz carnival mode. Has achieved including the 2009 contest a total of 13 first prizes in the contest official groups of Gran Teatro Falla . He has also made several cries of carnival in different populations, and is also collaborating with the proclamation Antonio Rivas in 1995 had to offer Ubrique Jesulín . The origins of the fat, as it is known in the world of Cadiz carnival date back to 1978 when a group of students from the Faculty of Medicine decided to take a chorus of carnival, aspirin, for the time Julio Pardo and tuna out in the faculty and was known as the rascal. It should be mentioned that the group that started the choir alone are the Julius Pardo and José Antonio Cervantes, one of the most popular mandolins Cadiz Carnival. His compositions
carnival is necessary to mention other authors who have worked with him in his vocals, so we can find Kiko
Zamora, Antonio Miranda, Antonio Segura and Antonio Rivas, who has been training couples carnival since 1992.
With a reputation for demanding and hard on their essays, Julio Pardo is not only dedicated to performing choral music with a certain quality it is known as an author innovator in the festivities, one of those responsible for the addition of new instruments presentations and popurrits. We should also mention that in his works carnival has introduced a dynamism that used to have the chorus.
has under his belt first eleven awards, including four in a row achieved between 1993
and 1996, setting a record mode. In 1997 , with chalk guy could not get the fifth, among other things, forgetting to deliver a letter to the competition jury and this clustering could not be scored. Although it won the award ssegundo first nine points was the talk of Cadiz.
Since 1989 with Night Round has missed its appointment with the grand finale of Falla, being always in the top three prizes in the contest.
musician by profession, has collaborated with various artists as a composer and the choir took part in different times with the late Carlos Cano
murga interpreting the known currelantes and Cadiz Habaneras
In 2004 he was awarded the gold mask Cadiz Carnival for 25 years participating in the party.

Partnerships Carnival
1978 The aspirin

1980 Cadiz Grenadiers

steering Madmen

1982 bartenders port
The Second Prize

1983 Tía Norica

First Prize 1984
Macaws and dandies

First Prize 1985

The Black Alley

Second Prize 1986

Mariamoco Cave Semifinals

1987 Semifinals
The Party

1988 Semifinals
The twisted

Night Round

Third Prize 1990

Garambainas and perendengues, things Second Prize


First Prize 1992


Second Prize 1993

First Prize Goat

Choir First Prize

The proclamation

First Prize 1996

Training ship

First Prize 1997

uncle chalk

Second Prize

1998 Third Prize The hut

1999 Third Prize Prevention

2000 Second Prize The truce

The Cadiz

First Prize 2002
The enchanted castle

Second Prize 2003
Happy Birthday

First Prize 2004

stone are

Second Prize 2005

For First prize blocks

Er-ass Teaching Second Prize

The best choir in the world
First Prize

The cathedral choir

First Prize 2009

When I peel

First Prize

Battalion of freedom
Second Prize

its WED


Friday, November 19, 2010

External Hard Drive Tv Adaptor

Well, I have blown head as yesterday, a reader-Mercedes and his group of co-workers - they sent me a photo with the counter in 50,000 visits. Thanks. I look like a Brazilian pastor grateful. But beyond a joke, I tell you that I love receiving your emails. They are better people than me, that's for sure.
What about my wanting to know?. Stay tuned for my next post because I fell in love with a gay. Lau

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Generador Pin Para Nintendo


ANTONIO MARTINEZ ARES unpublished records exclusively for

the woman I wanted

was not whether you want a lady was just

housewife and a whore in my bed,

and if now is not this the woman I wanted to say

just killed her because she was mine

the woman I wanted to anyone if it was me salia

not talk to the neighbors
street to the track, her home and her children looked at it and put it firmer than a candle brought me the shoes, made me food and took away my dishes and necklines or short skirts to buy a female is not leading if he had watched TV for a while I never had hustle novel , for a disease as she worked, I was waiting on the sofa the woman I wanted to or not told me this the best in these cases is give him two slaps in time I will never yield many forays
account but her legs always open I felt like,

the woman I could not let me ever wanted was mine and mine alone

so is in the grave, when his plea

just said quietly to his stop, I say I was crazy and I'm me in the street but my son

you've done, you've covered in blood

I made the old anger you to show me your example

your example your example, you with my mare

Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Use A Flatbed Scanner To Scan Negatives


1, Octavio, to start your way through the fault summary tables for people to carnival conosca your career and why does it all happened, what is the best memory of guards and why?

My career carnival .... because if I remember correctly and I q in the following chronological order, the groupings I have gone through have been: the prince of lavaerolos mareasel callejerosla boticael cadizlos sky catapumla year musikitaslos aprendicesla tropicaleslos comediaslos street children of the earth? Tournel beautiful escondidael desafíolos mendes lerendaslos trasnochadoreslos santosY this year will fulfill the majority with

For the best memories of all keep a special fondness for something or other ... but now ... my best memories will pq tb are the freshest, are no doubt this year because we have experienced wonderful things and not just during the contest and the prize we got, but by the response of the people there where we've been and the experience we tb recently with the Callejon de los Santos in the Falla

2 º What do you feel when you get on the boards of failure?

I think is common sense to the rest of the tread q peers ... this bug in the stomach, these nerves, q is the knot in the stomach makes you ... and all always has the same justification: whether you will like or not q public at that time what you will show

3 º What do you think Jesus Welcome? Welcome

De Jesus I can only say praise, both as an author, but not only as a musical author speak to you: but as a composer, musician, vocalist .... I think he has incredible talent. And as a person since the same: a guy in full, consistent, humble, simple, honest. It's a great person.

4 º What do you get to sing in the theater or the street?

With both because each has its charm, its timing and also both are supported as we have always demonstrated in this group

5 º After that 3 years in the final, 2 nd prize "The Mended 3 º prize" Night owls "and 1 with the" Saints "that year you stay?

These three years have been many great but as I said, maybe the Saints have given us some satisfaction as they leave the pot!!

6 th For you which is best author cadiz carnival?

Today ¿?? It may sound a rally but I think my response q can be sensed. WELCOME JESUS. Q I think nobody can argue that is not the author is more complete than today: for their music, the originality of their ideas, of a kind, his repertoire .... to make the carnival itself.

7 º "As low as Arturito seen the troupe of Juan Carlos has been a surprise? and the entry of Faly Figuer

Arturo progress I think we said everything we were surprised at first but then we also saw that really wanted a change of scenery and try another great author like Juan Carlos and on the back of Faly Figuier: never should have gone ... it's more ... at the bottom ... never was ... always been there watching everything from the other side .... Message not available
For your safety, Tuenti suspicious message was deleted.

8 º Tell a story you can tell lol this year with the Saints

Phew .... anecdotes?? q thousands ... every time we sing somewhere something happens to us is the memory pra ... but always remember that although this has not been a year ... Once we were to go to a contract and people are divided on the cars that we had ... and when we reached the site in question in Conil .. we saw that we had forgotten to Kichy in Cadiz ... and when we went to pick there was poor sitting at the bus stop safely special ...

9 º With that type of all that you have found out you see more? and pasodble with which you stay?

I q both the type and the pasodoble of Mendes brings us all a special memory for that year which meant for us to re-unite after many years each for their part carnavalescamene talking.

10 ° What about the Article 26 that groups acting in Cádiz not be submitted to other contests, COAC duration?

or do not share the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forms ... yes I am aware of is that we must find a way to require a minimum quality to groups that are submitted to the contest, since all we often do not bring enough not to come to participate only with the illusion. In any event of anything, I mean not only Carnival, make a preliminary selection and no you do not meet minimum requirements it does not let you participate. Q I think this topic is so removed the new standard is that .... but come on ... that sometimes there are tb Cadiz that are worse than those coming from outside ... so I look like q


11 º Well to tell us what you can finish this year and as you see it "? ASPIRE TO THINK THE Comparsa

In this year I can not say anything because we have not yet begun. What is clear is that we all have a desire they sing great new things by Jesus that surely will have more than enough quality to qualify for the maximum q ... now ... then get it or not ... and hook people or not .. . that is another story .... lol

Pictues Of Bloody Stools

"crystallite" in the Board Tejar


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Change

Paco Trujillo "Catalan" God chosen Momo Carnival 2011

The Cádiz comparsa Paco Trujillo "Paco Catalán, son of Antonio Trujillo" El Catalán ", has been elected by the Federation of Peñas and caleteros entities and approved by the Executive Board Events Hall of Cadiz to be God Momo Carnaval de Cádiz 2011.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How Many People Does A 14 Foot Jon Boat Hold

We are all ex.

My friend has to share, for the first time in two years, a barbecue with THE EX boyfriend. I recently saw her at a party.
"Hi, bye, five minutes."
But it was time for us Lale make a brief description of their appearance.

- Is it pretty?.
- But it's pretty or not?.
- Masomenos. Still, with all that was I think Mariano is a boluda. And on top crazy.
- But you saw in photos and said he had boobs. That was fine.
- Yes, but in the pictures is not the same as "in person." In the photos up on Facebook is not alike. Or are there when I was 19 and was a bomb. He handed over boluda tsunami. Gives forty in vivo.
- But is weak?.
- Mmmm, no.
- Is it fat?.
- Fat is not. Bah, masomenos. You can tell it to those mines that are prone to gaining weight. Is being cared for. But they long to eat a month, and explodes.
- Lale, saw her five minutes in the dark ...
- But then I realized, because this means big back. Is big.
- Grandota like?. Sabatini How?.
- No. It is not a tomboy.
- Okay, then.
- Yeah, whatever. I thought half bold.
- You can not say that.
- And if that's what I thought. Addition has a name of a harlot. LORENA.
- My cousin is called Lorena, line - Carla said, and is not a whore.
(All we are confident that the premium is quite a bitch Carla but nobody said anything like that).
"I hate. It deserves to die.
Mariano "But if it sucks an egg.
"But it's EX. Do you understand?. And all of his life. I know bands like them, is as the name of your dog, the mother does Lemon Pie. Is everything. And many other things that I do not mean here. CONTAL
-No. Because I get wrong. "But Mariano is
idiot if that tells you. Does not work. Bah, I trauma enough when Paul told me that the former is fucked in a bus and had to go down. I thought for a moment so much intimacy between them as a couple, no, I got sick imagine Paul, down from a mine shit micro and low pressure ...
- A mine shit that was you.
- Yes. You may have to do with it. I do not like to be unavailable at any stage of your life with another mine. Is, or scene of poop.
- But not told me anything. I asked Lorraine. I'm the one who wants to know about her.
- equal if not pretty and it is mediocre, no drama.
- Well obviously, is not expensive.
- But if you think tannnn Caro never pretty.
- Lie. That you were saying to not get wrong. If EX is like Caro have to shoot himself in the balls.
- No big deal.
- Caro = I case.
- was half asshole. Eye. Not as copada as it seems.
- Caro was CAMERON DIAZ, boluda.
- had ugly legs. And spitting as he spoke.
- You also escupís.
- But at least ... not. At least I have not those legs.
- You're getting into an area where we will end up fighting when I say something about your legs. Care.
- And I do not spit when I talk.

(Fifteen minutes of silence)

- Just now you're also EX.
- And if we are all EX.
- For there at the same time the group of spiders in the friends of your current EX, are doing the same to us. For there are with your Facebook.
- I do not think I have AN ACTUAL EX so soon.
- You're the devil. You you can rebuild your life. But no.
- I did not say I was not going to do it again. I said, not now. Banques touch. I would not be good.
- For sure not mine.
- Why?.
- Because if Caro is the EX with a boy, it's hard. But you're the EX, is death.

And what followed was an hour-long wall along the category EX. As if this really existed and had a kind of file with different ranges where encajaramos all. That weird thing we have some mines. EX hate few, not realizing that we ourselves also EX others hate. All this happens while
putean rates to Borghi, scratch an egg on the street, bought a new PC and they care very little to know that your former boyfriend did not wear sweaters because they were biting the neck.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Fill Out A Da 4187

INTERVIEW Vera Luque 1 Chirigota AWARD 2010

1, Vera, to start your way through the tables fault summary for people conosca your career carnival and did all why it happened, what is the best memory you keep and why?

Well, with those who are on the right have turned 17 years of carnival, I think, or is that in 2011 more than edad.jeje.Y I do to not roll much, and summary plan , say that primarily the Carnival in all this time has given me far greater proportion disgustos.Prácticamente joys that I have half my life in this, ie diecitantos, twenties and thirties who took half, then I apply it almost as a way of life. From there, they imagine.

2 º Why you which has been your BEST joke and why?

Statistically, "Those who go to law" because it is the only one who has won a first prize. But it is difficult to compare jokes that have come out in different years. One matures, the rivals as well ... It is difficult to assess.

3 º hoped the bombings this year?

As they passed the tests, we saw what we were doing was to keep up with The mákina. As they passed the screening and quarters, we saw that we were going to compete to be in the Final. As they passed the semifinals and the finals, we saw that We could win the top prize ... The process is a bit slow and you doing to the idea gradually. Obviously if in November last year reached Rappel and tells us that we get one, it takes a search.

4 º Each year, Givens says the jump to the carnival when you give?

That's aparcao aparcao well. And look at Cadiz is difficult to park.

5 º for you What is the best author of Cadiz?

. Juan Carlos with the letter, Welcome may be the most inspired music currently ... Selu or Jones in what is humor ... but everything is oscillating, because the next year comes another and makes the best stuff of lyrics, or music or joke ... and then, Who is better? Perhaps this analysis is to make them from a very general point of view, they pass many years and we throw in periodicals, booklets, and CDs, and then say so and so was the best in those years ...

6 º What do you think Article 26 that groups acting in Cádiz not be submitted to other contests, COAC duration?

I think it started as a gaffe, and that will continue to be a gaffe during the contest. If there are groups who break the rule, the contest may be fireworks. Because if you apply the rule, the intransigent COAC devorahijos sins by applying the disqualification of left and right. And if not applicable, the will as a Tirra lirra COAC, which works in this way compare plan. Whatever happens, the summary is "Pa the hell they put him?" Pa to complicate it, right?. Personally, I would have left the rule as it was. Here is released, period. And if you do not give me that in 2011, must have means (A thong-mail to another City, perhaps?) To learn that have premiered the work in another contest. Disqualification and good bye

7 º do you miss your time music band?

Man, the joke very well and I'm going to miss the theme of the quartet. Perhaps yearns more time trials and others, the joke of ours and that, but we were 20 years old. Imagínate.De Anyway, kill the bug because Puchi wedding (the joke), Ivan the box, Pitu (released with us in the clowns, Tarzan, etc. ..) and the quartet Peñita Gago, will prepare a quartet of classic taste, it was a pelotasso in the invitation. For the curious youtube anda pa, hehe ...

8 º What "CAJONAZO" to hurt you more?

" This did not happen with me."

9 º Well tell us as much of this year, as you see, THAT THINK THE ASPIRA CHIRIGOTA MUSICAL?

Well, ours is the mentality of all ages. We like to us, and you like people, not go out of our style, our principles. What sucks? Man, we know how to win, so we would like to win again, but is obviously very very very complicated. At the moment as he said, "estamous trabajandou in ellou"

10 º What do you think has been your most misunderstood joke?

" This did not happen with me." And "The monster" a little.

11 º Do you think the jury has taken you jajajajaja?

Hehe. Not anymore, right?. Well, speaking of the jury as a single entity. It would be more correct to say "Jurors" because every year is different. Maybe a year have taken me, but that does not mean that next year too. Five diferentes.Pero go, I do not believe that no jury has had taken with me. Just that few others have not enterao half of the things we've sung. But that's it.

12 º What do you think of Jose Luis Garcia Cossio JAJAJAJAJA?

a phenomenon. As I said before, when passing a few years (hopefully many), Cadiz is going to realize many people the amount of real good carnival that took place during this period, including Selu.Me obviously like to know which treatment will give future generations. I hope parriba Olympus.

13 º Well to dismiss what could make us short of Carnival 2010 in gen eral

I-nolvidable. A greeting and thanks

to here the interview with one of the Chirigota best authors of Cadiz and a great person ...


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Japanese Sharking Women

My friend comes home and tells me on a Wednesday afternoon as we waxed armpits, I want to make a model. What do I do? Does the hit? Did I show that I did two years of aikido?.

- A model?.
"Yes, boluda, a model. A guy who's friends with my sister and laburo model. I saw him and can not more. And I said entering the blog and wants to go.
"But did not understand anything. The photo above is a joke, eh. I do not like the models and models do not like me. Use tacos once in my life and was for that photo. And I went on purpose because I put a rubber face I fall, but many did not understand it was a joke. Surely this kid was one of those.
- No, boluda, what joke?. You will pass the cell.
"Oh no. You're a monster.
- His name is Kevin.
- Well, the end.
- What last calibrated?. You keep coming out with midgets. Once you want to give a guy like people, you Negas. "His name is Kevin
understand?. And he lives in Argentina. Kevi N. Nothing good can come of it. _
Well, look at Kevin Johansen.
"But at least hits the surname. This insurance is Kevin Rodriguez, Kevin Fernandez.
- Measures 1.90
-Kevin CANDLE.
"You're a lining, you'll fall on his ass when you see it.
- Kevo And where you live?.
- Cañitas.
- Boluda, you're depressing me and I can not pass the session with the therapist. I want to go out with a guy who combs his hair with gel and go to Sushi Club.
- You once went to Sushi Club.
- Yes, but I have nothing to do with Tommy Dunster and his friends.
"If I show you a picture you give.
- sure I hit it. But those quotes armes me farting in which the term lying about my sexuality to get me off because I was distressed type.
- And you want me to say?. "No, look, direct Venite not wanting to put sound from."
- Yes.
- Do not be MALE.
- I'm not male.
- Yes. That's asshole.
- No, but understand this. The guy is going to start telling their teachers in the primary, and that probably has a sister who is half a bitch, and Christmas is near and get nostalgic types all this in the street BAEZ. I shit life. Brings out the worst of me. Better tell the truth. "Look, Kevin, Brian, Bob: Venite home, do what you can and andate."
- do you you would have them do that?.
- Vos me what you do. When I go to your house and you spend chatting with you I have been saying he is gay and not want to acknowledge. I do go and play music to distract you not answer me monosyllables.
- But for a guy, would you like?.
- goulash did that.
- Who is goulash?.
-El who was half a fag too. We used to call goulash by softie ...
- Ah yes, I had a speech problem.
- ROTATION. And it is a serious disease ... All of this

blackberry rang and well ...

- Luzmila.
- Who speaks?
- Kevin.
- What is kevin? (I admit that there a little bit of pee I got to laugh).
- I'm friends with Carla. Lau gave me your cellular.
- But you want to talk to Luzmila?.
- Yes. "Are you?.
- No. My name is Ludmila.
- Oh sorry. Is that I'll be as nervous.
- ......
- Che ... and that good is the blog.
- Yes?
- I do not know, I love.
- (Here got some strange noise, I can not plot).
- I told Leo that I would like to invite you for a drink.
- You eat sushi?
- Yes, we can go to my house there is one.
- No.A my raw fish gives me diarrhea.
- Well, we can go elsewhere.
- Se ...
- You're brave. What sign are you?.
- Capricorn. But in the Chinese horoscope I am a rat or pig. And life means too.
- You're funny.
- As the latter was in earnest.
- Well, I call the weekend to get out.
- Kevin ... What's your name?.
- Pissuto.
- Kevin Pisutto ¿??.
- Yes. Why?.
- for nothing. A kiss. Oh

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mount And Blade Watch Tower

The Callejo of the Saints in COAC

The scene opens to make way for a bunch of songs from many different styles, ranging from one to another with the help of a simple but effective theatrical argument that infects the viewer with many different feelings in more than 90 minute show.
The assembly is based on the variety of styles, all infected with the essence of Carnival. In the work of the extras fitted from the flamenco Cadiz to the sounds and harmonies of jazz, from the songs return to Argentine tango, a mixture of traditional rhythms to the more rock, not forgetting the most current pop.
All seasoned with texts that have already raised thousands of applause. There are lyrics for all tastes. Since most poetic to the most motivated individuals. They occur in a show where both musicians and actors come together on stage as part of the scene itself, changing the role when the occasion demands and the present and humor as a protagonist during the assembly.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sacramento Gay Cruise Spots

FAILURE - Regulation

This phrase had already been collected in the previous regulation, preserved in the present, thus indicating that the Gran Teatro Falla contest has always had the privilege of release on their boards, of the codes worked for months for all participants. Furthermore, this advantage was completed with the disguise, as stated in Article 6 of both regulations "The costumes will be very first time in the COAC.."

Each of the offenses committed, not to fulfill this part of the articles above, were contained in its section of gross misconduct (formerly Article 25, now 26), so that it could punish groups with disqualification from the competition. This has been so long, so that those who now say it was necessary to 'strengthen' this section, or do not know the two regulations, or blatantly lie.

radical change if it is done in the present legislation is the inclusion of new faults of those considered as very serious, and therefore with the disqualification of the offender. In paragraph 25.1.3 (now 26.1.3) has been inserted: "infringed the prohibition of participation in any other competition for the duration of group participation in COAC.

In the city Cadiz ...

We have the quarter-2011, and that by limiting the number of clusters that pass the quarter-finals to 54, regardless of the quality of the participants, make this hypothetical classification is virtually impossible. Except that failure to register a number of groups, or authors with a good history behind them, have for the next contest ideas collapse and unable to perform minimally repertoire 'listenable'.

would have 31 groups, which have always made the cut during the three years since the Quarter and Semi-final system, with six choirs: Fali, Francis Sevilla, Julio Pardo, The One Vine, Valdes Lamas. Jokes 11: Love, Quique Swirl, Selu, Vera Luque, Yuyu, Sheriff, that of Seville, Manolo Santander; Manolín Gálvez, la del Barrio and Canijo. 11 extras: Jesus Welcome, Antonio Martín Quiñones, the Carapapa, Luis Rivera, the Majaras, Juan Carlos, Jona, that of Jerez, Algeciras, Nene Cheza. And finally, 2 quartets: Gago and Morera.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Signs Of Bad Stomach Cancer

How To Bake In Silicone Molds



COUNTDOWN BEGINS ...................

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ant And Deck Games To Play Now

The real bastard

Lucas Carrasco, I dedicate this post to you, you're the real son of a bitch. A smear campaign in your name and your own benefit. My friends, want to know who that entrerriano by which I'll be crying and that was up to something and you will leave you with yours once again. Lucas Carrasco
: The son of a bitch who proposes marriage. Yes, it's sure to be the also proposed to all of you who are reading these words. Lucas Carrasco, who is capable to swear he would freeze to always remember my picture playing songs by The Smiths, is the same as in veintucuatro hours is able to forget my name. And yours, tené care, as well as going to forget. Lucas Carrasco
: The great strategist. The morning messages. First you are "new girlfriend", tomorrow will be just "your friend". Do you laugh, Lucas? . Do you laugh at me?. Me not going to power. Not me.
There is a loose motherfucker called Lucas Carrasco.

Genital Warts And Lupus

Yesterday a friend of mine took a shit the day saying - "Oh, two months to your birthday" -.
But what is this? Does the Chronicle Tv plate that tells you how much longer for the summer?.
fuck wanting That way, eh. I got so bad I went to sleep with a diver who is the horror itself, carcass nailed METRO TV and gave it to Cadbury to burst - the yogurt I like me. The Melincué can send 328 ... Seriously
as time passes me a birthday drink less. I used to party with friends and we were IBIZA. Now we are all talking about the single tax or VAT, ROGEL eat cake - cake of old - and the third glass of champagne we kiss a friend.

I understand and respect people who tell me with a deep voice:

- "It's great to have more years. It is the fullness, the best age. I feel better than at twenty."

Clap. It's great that there are people that happen. I do not happen. I passed a fuck that. Ie no age bothers me. Eye, not a matter of walking in a blog posting.
Those who are thinking that I have 34, close all, stop reading and Fuck you. No. Nor do I have 20. Thanks, but what kids wave? "This gives adolescent literature?. What do you think? What my life is the Twilight series?. Well I have 26
OK? . 26 to 27. Yes, I know. I'm fucked up.

I can not turn 27 years. Their age and Janis Joplin Jim Morrosin when the left and the same age as I will be sure myself.
27 no. If it was just yesterday I was given the pelopincho when I turned the age of majority.
Those who are reading and passed the 35 must be shitting laughter. What are you laughing?. Look in the mirror. Look at the rack in the bathroom full of hair when bathing. They're falling little by little!. Do not believe Diego Torres. Head and Shoulders is not going to help. You'll be peeling. So do not laugh.

If you do not fuck with certain things, I do. It sucks to have to have to explain to everyone that at 17 he's ass Rocio Guirao Diaz and nobody believes me.
I fuck all this nonsense being in third year and already delicious. NENA shitting me life you bitch. "Understand?. I was your age CUCKOO. Use
MINISHORT. I behaved the last time a minishort not to see let me see ... in the nursery will have been.
January 8 will be a sad day. My mom is going to call at 12 o'clock at night to sing the birthday in Portuguese, my dad will tell me a time number 100 that mom almost got me on a stretcher in the clinic, and that Grandpa peed Above when he said it was baby. Then they will hear a hoarse voice that tells me - "What we celebrate che?". And it will be that of a kid that I met at a party insurance, which I'm going to remember the name, a surgeon who has brought to my house, to whom he can extract a bit of youth, to forget that viejazo came. And I'll be 27.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gay Cruising Directory


Fali Quiñones Ramos singing in the Competition III Colombino Huelva Carnival, held on October 31, 2010

The new component of the comparsa de Quiñones Faly Joaquin Ramos sings at home in Huelva versioned by the pasodoble, the troupe "THE CIRCUS" a wonder ....

Whats Song Dec 2009 Hp Commercial

Quiñones singing Christmas present

Under the production of Juan José Arauz, more known in the world of carnival as "El Chupa 'and with the collaboration of the Editorial SPM, you edit it. The next Christmas will be released on DVD 'Karaoke Carnival, an album that is expected to be the first in a series that hopes to facilitate the interpretation of carnival songs by aficionados.En this first DVD, we have included 14 songs, all recorded live, including whistles, with introductions and punteao. With a video concerning the subject matter of each pasodoble or tango. Each has three tone options and the original, as sung, one designed for women, and one intermediate. Having the option to select the menu are tangos correspondiente.Los recorded by the same Juan José Arauz, Jose Carlos Arjona and brothers Emilio and José María Martín Ortega, other instruments are also played by 'The Suck', are all recorded in their study of 'Cadizland'. With the distribution of Disks 'The Melli', is to sell in Spain at a price to be around 10 Euros plus shipping.