Monday, December 20, 2010

Can Pap Smear Test Pick Herpes

year 60,000 visitors dancing

- So?.
- And what, Mom?.
- How goes it?.
- How is that?.
- "That."
- If you answered what I think about your questions you're going to offend.
- Tell me ...
- what I think?.
-No. How are you?.
-Passing one of the greatest moments of my life.
"I did not look good.
- Then why questions.
- Because I realize you're wrong. I told Dad I was worried about you.
- Last time you told me that was in fourth grade, when you thought was a lesbian?.
"I'm serious. Olga told me it was clean and I found the phone cursing shouting.
- Yes. With Euge. He told me the end of a movie I wanted to see. I was cursing to a friend, Mom. I'm not one of your patients.
- No I'm asking you as a psychologist.
- You ask me as a mother is much worse.
- You go out with someone?.
- No.
- Do you miss John?.
"Sometimes yes. It was a long time.
-I read the twitter. Did I tell you?.
- What?.
"That you read the twitter. If I had any doubt that he was an asshole, I confirmed.
"Mom ... "You read the twitter of my ex?.
- The read yours too. I hate to put so much of DRUGS.
- But it's a joke ...
- At this age you have to explain anything to me. I smoked spliff with a boyfriend once, in a bathtub. So it is on Drugs.
- In Brazil?.
"No, with that I understood through gestures.
- What happened to those who work in advertising, who dresses weird?.
-has a girlfriend.
"Oh, and it killed you. I realized I was depressed. I know.
- I'm not depressed, Mom. I have no desire to be with a guy who goes with another, which will come to my house at 3 am, hiding from the model girlfriend you have, you go to bed with me, will use my shower to shower, then I will ask him to avoid suspicion SMELL, to see if you still have my scent, like an animal or something, and is leaving with wet hair dicéndome "talk" "I call."
- Well. Not that bad. When I met your father, he was a partner.
- What?
- Yeah, yeah. For quite some.

My mom was shitting on me roughly. Not only because he could not overcome the karma that psychologists have to their children, I remind you that any interpretation out of session is rude - but also because I was revealing intimate details of my old age I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. I like Euge had told the end of a movie. There are things I prefer not to hear. If my dad was a pirate, I preferred not to know.

"The best thing for depression is to clear out, get cute ...
"I told you I'm not depressed.
-Start year dancing.
- Are you seeing?.
-Going to dance.
"Mom, I'm not going to dance since she was 18.
"Well, no, what do you do?. Are they going to bars?. Here you can find.
- I do not think Kimm & Novack or Bizarro World are places where you can get a boyfriend.
- insisting I come to introduce the son of Marcela.
- has 21 years, Mom.
- but it seems more. Para su edad es muy maduro.
-¿De que voy a hablar con un chico de 21 años?. No vió ni Grande Pá. No tengo cosas en común. Le debo parecer una señora.
-Pero es un chico precioso.
- Definitivamente no lo es.
- Si no lo conocés.
-Lo tengo en Facebook, me pidió amistad.
- Bueno, va a Mar de las Pampas. Vamos a pasar el 24 con ellos , es una buena oportunidad de que se conozcan. Además el quiere ser periodista , por ahi le podés dar una mano con el laburo y ¿quien te dice?.
-No voy a salir con el hijo de Marcela.
- Bueno , fijate. Es un buen chico. Sino , te vas a quedar saliendo toda la vida con tipos llenos de "problemitas".

Esta soy yo. Un Tuesday afternoon. Armando a bag to go and spend Christmas in a cabin in the woods with my two parents, Marcella and son virgin of 21 years. And worst of all is that my mother has as much right to reduce the concept of marital status to guys with "little problems" I can not deny for a minute I was in the middle of the dunes, teaching him to kiss a child 21, who in his Facebook profile picture is the donkey from Shrek.


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