Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Fill Out A Da 4187

INTERVIEW Vera Luque 1 Chirigota AWARD 2010

1, Vera, to start your way through the tables fault summary for people conosca your career carnival and did all why it happened, what is the best memory you keep and why?

Well, with those who are on the right have turned 17 years of carnival, I think, or is that in 2011 more than edad.jeje.Y I do to not roll much, and summary plan , say that primarily the Carnival in all this time has given me far greater proportion disgustos.Prácticamente joys that I have half my life in this, ie diecitantos, twenties and thirties who took half, then I apply it almost as a way of life. From there, they imagine.

2 º Why you which has been your BEST joke and why?

Statistically, "Those who go to law" because it is the only one who has won a first prize. But it is difficult to compare jokes that have come out in different years. One matures, the rivals as well ... It is difficult to assess.

3 º hoped the bombings this year?

As they passed the tests, we saw what we were doing was to keep up with The mákina. As they passed the screening and quarters, we saw that we were going to compete to be in the Final. As they passed the semifinals and the finals, we saw that We could win the top prize ... The process is a bit slow and you doing to the idea gradually. Obviously if in November last year reached Rappel and tells us that we get one, it takes a search.

4 º Each year, Givens says the jump to the carnival when you give?

That's aparcao aparcao well. And look at Cadiz is difficult to park.

5 º for you What is the best author of Cadiz?

. Juan Carlos with the letter, Welcome may be the most inspired music currently ... Selu or Jones in what is humor ... but everything is oscillating, because the next year comes another and makes the best stuff of lyrics, or music or joke ... and then, Who is better? Perhaps this analysis is to make them from a very general point of view, they pass many years and we throw in periodicals, booklets, and CDs, and then say so and so was the best in those years ...

6 º What do you think Article 26 that groups acting in Cádiz not be submitted to other contests, COAC duration?

I think it started as a gaffe, and that will continue to be a gaffe during the contest. If there are groups who break the rule, the contest may be fireworks. Because if you apply the rule, the intransigent COAC devorahijos sins by applying the disqualification of left and right. And if not applicable, the will as a Tirra lirra COAC, which works in this way compare plan. Whatever happens, the summary is "Pa the hell they put him?" Pa to complicate it, right?. Personally, I would have left the rule as it was. Here is released, period. And if you do not give me that in 2011, must have means (A thong-mail to another City, perhaps?) To learn that have premiered the work in another contest. Disqualification and good bye

7 º do you miss your time music band?

Man, the joke very well and I'm going to miss the theme of the quartet. Perhaps yearns more time trials and others, the joke of ours and that, but we were 20 years old. Imagínate.De Anyway, kill the bug because Puchi wedding (the joke), Ivan the box, Pitu (released with us in the clowns, Tarzan, etc. ..) and the quartet Peñita Gago, will prepare a quartet of classic taste, it was a pelotasso in the invitation. For the curious youtube anda pa, hehe ...

8 º What "CAJONAZO" to hurt you more?

" This did not happen with me."

9 º Well tell us as much of this year, as you see, THAT THINK THE ASPIRA CHIRIGOTA MUSICAL?

Well, ours is the mentality of all ages. We like to us, and you like people, not go out of our style, our principles. What sucks? Man, we know how to win, so we would like to win again, but is obviously very very very complicated. At the moment as he said, "estamous trabajandou in ellou"

10 º What do you think has been your most misunderstood joke?

" This did not happen with me." And "The monster" a little.

11 º Do you think the jury has taken you jajajajaja?

Hehe. Not anymore, right?. Well, speaking of the jury as a single entity. It would be more correct to say "Jurors" because every year is different. Maybe a year have taken me, but that does not mean that next year too. Five diferentes.Pero go, I do not believe that no jury has had taken with me. Just that few others have not enterao half of the things we've sung. But that's it.

12 º What do you think of Jose Luis Garcia Cossio JAJAJAJAJA?

a phenomenon. As I said before, when passing a few years (hopefully many), Cadiz is going to realize many people the amount of real good carnival that took place during this period, including Selu.Me obviously like to know which treatment will give future generations. I hope parriba Olympus.

13 º Well to dismiss what could make us short of Carnival 2010 in gen eral

I-nolvidable. A greeting and thanks

to here the interview with one of the Chirigota best authors of Cadiz and a great person ...



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