Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Use A Flatbed Scanner To Scan Negatives


1, Octavio, to start your way through the fault summary tables for people to carnival conosca your career and why does it all happened, what is the best memory of guards and why?

My career carnival .... because if I remember correctly and I q in the following chronological order, the groupings I have gone through have been: the prince of lavaerolos mareasel callejerosla boticael cadizlos sky catapumla year musikitaslos aprendicesla tropicaleslos comediaslos street children of the earth? Tournel beautiful escondidael desafíolos mendes lerendaslos trasnochadoreslos santosY this year will fulfill the majority with

For the best memories of all keep a special fondness for something or other ... but now ... my best memories will pq tb are the freshest, are no doubt this year because we have experienced wonderful things and not just during the contest and the prize we got, but by the response of the people there where we've been and the experience we tb recently with the Callejon de los Santos in the Falla

2 º What do you feel when you get on the boards of failure?

I think is common sense to the rest of the tread q peers ... this bug in the stomach, these nerves, q is the knot in the stomach makes you ... and all always has the same justification: whether you will like or not q public at that time what you will show

3 º What do you think Jesus Welcome? Welcome

De Jesus I can only say praise, both as an author, but not only as a musical author speak to you: but as a composer, musician, vocalist .... I think he has incredible talent. And as a person since the same: a guy in full, consistent, humble, simple, honest. It's a great person.

4 º What do you get to sing in the theater or the street?

With both because each has its charm, its timing and also both are supported as we have always demonstrated in this group

5 º After that 3 years in the final, 2 nd prize "The Mended 3 º prize" Night owls "and 1 with the" Saints "that year you stay?

These three years have been many great but as I said, maybe the Saints have given us some satisfaction as they leave the pot!!

6 th For you which is best author cadiz carnival?

Today ¿?? It may sound a rally but I think my response q can be sensed. WELCOME JESUS. Q I think nobody can argue that is not the author is more complete than today: for their music, the originality of their ideas, of a kind, his repertoire .... to make the carnival itself.

7 º "As low as Arturito seen the troupe of Juan Carlos has been a surprise? and the entry of Faly Figuer

Arturo progress I think we said everything we were surprised at first but then we also saw that really wanted a change of scenery and try another great author like Juan Carlos and on the back of Faly Figuier: never should have gone ... it's more ... at the bottom ... never was ... always been there watching everything from the other side .... Message not available
For your safety, Tuenti suspicious message was deleted.

8 º Tell a story you can tell lol this year with the Saints

Phew .... anecdotes?? q thousands ... every time we sing somewhere something happens to us is the memory pra ... but always remember that although this has not been a year ... Once we were to go to a contract and people are divided on the cars that we had ... and when we reached the site in question in Conil .. we saw that we had forgotten to Kichy in Cadiz ... and when we went to pick there was poor sitting at the bus stop safely special ...

9 º With that type of all that you have found out you see more? and pasodble with which you stay?

I q both the type and the pasodoble of Mendes brings us all a special memory for that year which meant for us to re-unite after many years each for their part carnavalescamene talking.

10 ° What about the Article 26 that groups acting in Cádiz not be submitted to other contests, COAC duration?

or do not share the idea of \u200b\u200bthe forms ... yes I am aware of is that we must find a way to require a minimum quality to groups that are submitted to the contest, since all we often do not bring enough not to come to participate only with the illusion. In any event of anything, I mean not only Carnival, make a preliminary selection and no you do not meet minimum requirements it does not let you participate. Q I think this topic is so removed the new standard is that .... but come on ... that sometimes there are tb Cadiz that are worse than those coming from outside ... so I look like q


11 º Well to tell us what you can finish this year and as you see it "? ASPIRE TO THINK THE Comparsa

In this year I can not say anything because we have not yet begun. What is clear is that we all have a desire they sing great new things by Jesus that surely will have more than enough quality to qualify for the maximum q ... now ... then get it or not ... and hook people or not .. . that is another story .... lol


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