Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sacramento Gay Cruise Spots

FAILURE - Regulation

This phrase had already been collected in the previous regulation, preserved in the present, thus indicating that the Gran Teatro Falla contest has always had the privilege of release on their boards, of the codes worked for months for all participants. Furthermore, this advantage was completed with the disguise, as stated in Article 6 of both regulations "The costumes will be very first time in the COAC.."

Each of the offenses committed, not to fulfill this part of the articles above, were contained in its section of gross misconduct (formerly Article 25, now 26), so that it could punish groups with disqualification from the competition. This has been so long, so that those who now say it was necessary to 'strengthen' this section, or do not know the two regulations, or blatantly lie.

radical change if it is done in the present legislation is the inclusion of new faults of those considered as very serious, and therefore with the disqualification of the offender. In paragraph 25.1.3 (now 26.1.3) has been inserted: "infringed the prohibition of participation in any other competition for the duration of group participation in COAC.

In the city Cadiz ...

We have the quarter-2011, and that by limiting the number of clusters that pass the quarter-finals to 54, regardless of the quality of the participants, make this hypothetical classification is virtually impossible. Except that failure to register a number of groups, or authors with a good history behind them, have for the next contest ideas collapse and unable to perform minimally repertoire 'listenable'.

would have 31 groups, which have always made the cut during the three years since the Quarter and Semi-final system, with six choirs: Fali, Francis Sevilla, Julio Pardo, The One Vine, Valdes Lamas. Jokes 11: Love, Quique Swirl, Selu, Vera Luque, Yuyu, Sheriff, that of Seville, Manolo Santander; Manolín Gálvez, la del Barrio and Canijo. 11 extras: Jesus Welcome, Antonio Martín Quiñones, the Carapapa, Luis Rivera, the Majaras, Juan Carlos, Jona, that of Jerez, Algeciras, Nene Cheza. And finally, 2 quartets: Gago and Morera.


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