Friday, October 1, 2010

United States Driver's License Templates

A string that is over what was

I are only 2 days of vacation. I spent 3 weeks off, without seeing news and not knowing anything about the real world.

In my 21 vacation days I have spent 12 in the north seeing the family and the rest of'm having a little house.

So Antonio has missed a few days at school, but the return has been good, with incorpocración the dining room, and now the poor makes the whole schedule, but there is no choice!

To my holidays come some changes:
-changing work in my section and I lose my partner who is also going to another destination. Fran: luck and I'm glad of it!!
we home-made diet and let's do something ... we're kicking bacon after 3 years of relaxation.
-and my "crazy head" I hope I need to order.

Kisses to everyone!!


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