Saturday, October 30, 2010

Surgery Urethral Cyst

you seen what is to come to your home and be drunk? That mask you want - "je je. I am a little happy, it's nothing, I'm fine, I'm happy, I'm fine. BOLUDA, you have a fart so big that just see. You play for half an hour to Chest Happiness Soldan at your door trying to emobacar the key, a half hour trying to enter your home. Half an hour to open a fucking door. Realize that you're really in fart.

you do not understand says he enjoys coming Tuft, put a disquito, smoked one, start writing ... but do not be assholes, that's not going to happen EVER. What do you write? If I am a mixture Pappo and Tula - tooodo'll throw up the living room, I will start saying pelotudeces, I'll binge and 5 and a half in the morning, when you reach the climax of pathos, I'll kill myself called my ex.

- Hello Paul. Me.
(Silence) .
me, Paul ...
(Silence) .
"Son of a bitch." See that you remember me?.

If there is silence on the other side is because the guy can not understand what NO SOS and understaffed that it can not. Worse
are cutting. The type that when untreated, half asleep, because you come you fart and get in cagarle sleep: CUT ... the very daughters of bitches, no se, inavade shyness, says Emanuel.

And fuck me are quite paranoid. Which at first it is a good flash until suddenly - "Oh, there are footprints in the house. Here came one" -.
- No lining, it's you who stepped on mud in the street because you could barely walk.

Or is all laughs until he says
- FOR BOLUDA, Tv mine Call me talking.
- You're not talking to you.
- Yeah, see? Why not attend? Do not call anyone? So I'm the only one who is watching because no one is calling.


not spend several minutes until it begins - "Oh hey, this is not so good. What are these beats, these taps his chest. I mueroooo. No, this is not real. Going to happen. Respiro ... Tai chi, yoga. I calm down. Already guys, I'm fine, do not worry, it was a shock, nothing happened, all bi ... Aia, again. I do not like this eh. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Where is the emergency number OSDE?. Exhalo.Denme RIVOTRILLL.

Turning to have to "mask" a fart ones - I mean drunk. The other is that whiten fart - it was the time when I lived with my parents. That time is fucking
because back in a state unable to deliver and your old word - which is on the computer asshole with chain mails that friends send you the - You think to ask:

- And those who were, che? We
-mom, girls. Lole
What was not? Lole
-uh, if, say, no ... was not,
- Have you went to Spain with her boyfriend?.

to see Mom. How do you explain? If you left those power points fucking with Vangelis music and raising his head, you would realize that you do not have to face your daughter, but to Samara, the girl from "The LLlamada." That I am drunk and just want to sleep for three days. Not to mention the boyfriend Lole. "Located?.
And you will not miss that as you read this say: - "Oh, how ugly a woman drunk. At mines have no good drunk." Oh
no?. Because a rhino as you lay on the ground of Sabina singing if i is right?. How is it, Daddy? Is that if you and the other not? I fart = ugly. Vos, in a fetal position on my bed showing ass stripe, sure is beautiful, no?.


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