Monday, October 4, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Samples

long been in discussions with friends comes the theme of erotic costumes. Some do not dare to admit it, others boast of having the entire collection ... the point is that dressing up is an issue that brings tail (pun intended).
OK I think people need to disguise as a visual element that adds, to the history will show as they want, the problem is that it should be imaginative and above all a great awareness of reality at once. Because
tell the truth, and I am Catwoman, much less an Indian girl HOT GuaranĂ­ speaking on dressed as a pirate and you will look anything like Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean."
Personally, I have a very good experience in this field. Died quite a painter. He spent time before we realize our first meeting, which started badly, when he said he had a "surprise" for me.
This "surprise" was anything but a box that said LUST and inside was a sort of Tyrolean dress size Extra Small with a blonde wig with two braids.
I realized it was not fuck when I said that Heidi was the fantasy I had as a kid, and it seemed to me that he could achieve.
Let's see, the situation was: I was alone in the house of a guy who measured 1.90 and weighed 90 kilos, all muscle mass, which was the antithesis of Peter's friend Heidi, who had a crazy side that could well be part of the Manson Clan I with a blonde wig, which was a mixture of male with Nacha Guevara. In other words, all evil. It was the horror. None of that was good.

I tried to explain that he respected her mambo, but was not comfortable with the situation.

- Heidi Is it?. It seems I have some very cornered ...
"No, not for Heidi. I just can not understand where this is all about the lumberjack ...
"I have a nun who is very good or the guerrilla ...

And before I could finish the sentence, I went and we were not more.

Today when I mention this to friends and they tell me their experience I ask you to save certain details.
More than anything because it's so fucking dinner with their boyfriends and know that this guy who now talks to me about politics and elections in Brazil, is the same as the night wears Firefighter, with red cap sunga included, ready to fire off as needed.


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