Saturday, October 30, 2010

Canadian Government Seizure Auctions

Canijo Paco Trujillo will lead the troupe of Tino Tovar

Francisco Trujillo, better known as "El Catalán ', not direct the troupe finally Juana la loca Tino Tovar. The popular director has been forced to give up this new experience in his career carnival for work and is now completely devoted to your new business, the Vagamundos Cafe Theatre, which opened a few months ago Toothpick Square and has become a must for fans of the Carnival. In fact, by the local have passed some of the components and most important authors of the current Carnival, which offer live entertainment.
Paco Trujillo wanted to highlight the close relationship that has lasted for the first trials with the complainant and regretted having to make this decision. "We have understood a great time and I hope in future we can share the experience," he said. It also stressed the commitment component Tino Tovar later this year on stage at the Gran Teatro Falla. "It is a parade by the idea very attractive, which is risky and, for me it was exciting"

How To Spy With Makeup Without Putting It On

Contest begin on February 4

's contest the Gran Teatro Falla groups already have start date. The Carnival Board agreed yesterday that the primary function of the qualifiers will February 4, coinciding with Friday and thus giving greater prominence to a launch event in recent issues has gone unnoticed. If you keep the same number of groups that have made the registration, the event will feature 17 preliminary sessions (from 4 to 20 February), six quarter-final (22 to 27) and three semifinals ( From 28 February to 2 March). The Grand Final will be Friday 4 March and at the School Carnival on March 3rd. Although not yet decided on the final day of the categories of children and youth, it was agreed that the two semifinals of children and youth match three quarters of adults.

Surgery Urethral Cyst

you seen what is to come to your home and be drunk? That mask you want - "je je. I am a little happy, it's nothing, I'm fine, I'm happy, I'm fine. BOLUDA, you have a fart so big that just see. You play for half an hour to Chest Happiness Soldan at your door trying to emobacar the key, a half hour trying to enter your home. Half an hour to open a fucking door. Realize that you're really in fart.

you do not understand says he enjoys coming Tuft, put a disquito, smoked one, start writing ... but do not be assholes, that's not going to happen EVER. What do you write? If I am a mixture Pappo and Tula - tooodo'll throw up the living room, I will start saying pelotudeces, I'll binge and 5 and a half in the morning, when you reach the climax of pathos, I'll kill myself called my ex.

- Hello Paul. Me.
(Silence) .
me, Paul ...
(Silence) .
"Son of a bitch." See that you remember me?.

If there is silence on the other side is because the guy can not understand what NO SOS and understaffed that it can not. Worse
are cutting. The type that when untreated, half asleep, because you come you fart and get in cagarle sleep: CUT ... the very daughters of bitches, no se, inavade shyness, says Emanuel.

And fuck me are quite paranoid. Which at first it is a good flash until suddenly - "Oh, there are footprints in the house. Here came one" -.
- No lining, it's you who stepped on mud in the street because you could barely walk.

Or is all laughs until he says
- FOR BOLUDA, Tv mine Call me talking.
- You're not talking to you.
- Yeah, see? Why not attend? Do not call anyone? So I'm the only one who is watching because no one is calling.


not spend several minutes until it begins - "Oh hey, this is not so good. What are these beats, these taps his chest. I mueroooo. No, this is not real. Going to happen. Respiro ... Tai chi, yoga. I calm down. Already guys, I'm fine, do not worry, it was a shock, nothing happened, all bi ... Aia, again. I do not like this eh. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Where is the emergency number OSDE?. Exhalo.Denme RIVOTRILLL.

Turning to have to "mask" a fart ones - I mean drunk. The other is that whiten fart - it was the time when I lived with my parents. That time is fucking
because back in a state unable to deliver and your old word - which is on the computer asshole with chain mails that friends send you the - You think to ask:

- And those who were, che? We
-mom, girls. Lole
What was not? Lole
-uh, if, say, no ... was not,
- Have you went to Spain with her boyfriend?.

to see Mom. How do you explain? If you left those power points fucking with Vangelis music and raising his head, you would realize that you do not have to face your daughter, but to Samara, the girl from "The LLlamada." That I am drunk and just want to sleep for three days. Not to mention the boyfriend Lole. "Located?.
And you will not miss that as you read this say: - "Oh, how ugly a woman drunk. At mines have no good drunk." Oh
no?. Because a rhino as you lay on the ground of Sabina singing if i is right?. How is it, Daddy? Is that if you and the other not? I fart = ugly. Vos, in a fetal position on my bed showing ass stripe, sure is beautiful, no?.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Much To Replace Provisional License

Well, last week I was sick. Nothing serious, just a shellfish poisoning. Vomiting, ac with fever, a mood of shit. That is, the Horor. To top it off my old spoke to the cries gesturing "You have to call the ambulance." PAREMOSAC A. How the ambulance? They do not understand, I am a hypochondriac and paranoid person in the world with the disease. I am the daughter of doctor and I have terror to hospitals. Faced with the least pain, and imagine all my loved ones around the box saying "Geez, was such a good girl. She will be missed." I know all the fucking names of diseases and symptoms of the human body. In five minutes I can tell if you have a myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis. Give me five minutes, and I make the diagnosis.

And I was always the same eh. Even as a little girl. When I was at my girlfriends house, he said:
- "Oh Lauri tummy hurts"?. Look at my dad told me that can be diverticula, eh. "
- "Oia, you have the swollen ankle. No, no, you have to make you see, you have edema and if you have diabetes you get to cut the foot. Do you understand? I cut it. "

The kids did not want to be my friends because they said the night" dreaming ".

Turning to my intoxication six-thirty in the afternoon after eight hours of agony, clutching his waist the cry of "going to give up, going to give up," came the doctor, nurse, paramedic or whatever, because I had more pint of Colombian narco else. I guess: poor man has not?. For as would be closer to the room he was defacing the smile. The guy did not know he was going to find LINDA BLAIR (aka "the exorcist mine).

- What happened to you pigeon? I question the Borocotó the Caribbean.

Flaco, kill me, I wanted to say. Get me the liver, DO SOMETHING.

- Watch doctor (Mom. CALLATE).'s Way since noon, which I came, not for, and over did not want to be touched, not to take anything. It is VERY BAD PATIENT.

- Well, do not worry, we will give a shot and be stabilized. Lady, if you can remove a second room. You cute, take off your underwear, turn around, calm down and back, relax, that, Shhhhhh, quiet. And I pinched his ass, just.
not give me time to think about whether or not he was in a position to show the rising of a kind. But I had to deliver. It was that or death.

Today I'm fine. I'm taking an antibiotic. Of course since I reread the leaflet several times to look for on adverse reactions among others are:

-Tongue coated (saved with that)
Loss of weight (would be nice)
And finally: Colpaso circulatory, at worst cases.

Stay tuned if they see you do not post anything in the coming days. Do not say I did not notice. Jobs

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fishsticks Fingerboard

I did that not include in my CV (but include them here is far worse.) SELLER

As soon I finished school, got a job in a local "top top" of Palermo selling thongs and culottes. In other words, rags Once purchased costing half pay. Most of my customers were willing to hot school girls lose their virginity, or "cheaters" who came in search of gifts and threw a lance step with the cashier. How to avoid boredom in my free time?. I tried the pants one by one and then returned to their place. How nice right?. That if you ever stolen anything eh. PROMOTER

Guys, I have to say I WAS PROMOTING.
If I was ever locked in a white catsuit or a red vinyl pants, down from a van with five dumb and the owner of a solarium. I was fired the day I went to work at the Soul Café for a well known brand of beer. I took almost all the bottles for delivery and ended up vomiting in the bathroom before a horrified Cyrunlink Jimena. XXX PAGES

A graphic designer friend invited me to join a new project of designing a alemán.El videito XXX site. My task was the dream of any kind. I arrived and had to edit videos. Raise or lower the volume of the "OHHHH Yeah" "Ah Ah, COME ON BITCH" etc etc. The German will put the price people pay to see then. The guy never met him face, he communicated by telephone and spoke well, without an accent. So, it all could have been laburando this time for a skinny Florencio Varela who was called "German" rather than an average European jeropico as I thought.
went anyway because I tolerated the image of a huge black like making Candyman "Gaggin" a poor chick. I was so impressed that I spent a month without sex. (The latter is LIE. Must have been ten days).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Best Mid Range Receiver 2009

As Indians copulate

Well, the other day I went to the dentist. Is an irrelevant fact, I know, but I tell it as I expected, and read the magazine VIVA's 98 ... (Doctors and dentists, barbers learn and update their journals) Yeah. As I read in a magazine I found a great article I wanted to share with all you.
The note was something like "Juga to be an actress in a porn movie" and proposed among other things, to compose a character, which could include metal, mask, improvising a pose where you saw the perineum in the foreground and filming the best Victor Maytland style.
Oh, women and porn. Porn and women. What can I say?. I fancy the look with a porn guy like me, but it is something that keeps me awake. For me is best enjoyed in solitude.
And, one thing is the erotic, the film with little story, cartoon, subtle, and another thing is the bestial, the hardporn, violent, all against one, dwarves ...

few years ago, a friend I did yoga I "washed" the head in a few courses on the importance of "sexual energy" of "tantric sex", the release of the spirit in each powder ... not a half pai chanta's sure to be the fuck I wanted, and invented all this. Question that my friend started to swell balls how important it was the Kamasutra for the column, for the body to create blood flow and insisted we had to do the course with the yogam, we change the life that she I picked the groom seven times per day.
Let's see, I went out with a fat low profile of IAC computer teacher and the truth, I had nothing to lose ... so I went.
The guy was a mixture of Cachito Vigil and Claudio Maria Dominguez, but with the face of Roberto Piazza. After a talk where he told in great detail as the Indians mate, we did pull on the floor face down. I thought "Chau, here puts us." But I wish I had been that. What happened was far worse.
The first task was to try to feel the G-spot One point that if it ever existed in my body, should have been erased to the touch. All wailed like wild beasts, the pai opened it arms shouting "This is the real sexual revolution" and I tried to throw me strength not to fart. That was the situation. Sad.
Needless to say it never returned.
But some of all the crazy things the guy said, was resonating in me, so I looked for a Kama Sutra and studied for its implementation. Mine was a basic thought: "I can not be less than cojedoras of my friends, I HAVE THAT POWER WITH THIS LITTLE BOOK OF SHIT"
Since we are not on the agenda of Alessandra Rampolla, I will not recount in detail what happened that night in that room between good people and I chubby. But it was not good, guys. There was no good.
The only thing I can say is we did a pose called "UNION OF APE, I took a whole month dicofenac provided, that not only we were more, but we promised not to tell anyone EVER , lo que había sucedido en esas cuatro paredes.
No se, saquen sus propias conclusiones. Haganse su propia pelí terror.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sesame Street Sing N' Giggle Tool Bench

30,000 visits Heidi

Bueno, recién me avisaron que acabo de cumplir 30.000 visitas (Gracias Diego y no es Maradona).Chicos , no quiero parecer Riverito cantando los números pero les quiero agradecer a todas y a todos los que me hacen llegar sus comentarios y su buena onda.
Todavía no dejo de asombrarme por como creció esto que empezó siendo para que mis amigas, un grupo de cuatro conchudas, se divirtiera.
Y ahora son muchos los que también lo hacen.
Gracias otra vez. Y nos seguimos leyendo. Ah y le quiero mandar por esta vía un saludo a mi madre , a quien I telephone no more than a week and my whole life for this blog. To you too Ma .. thanks and pay me the credit card.

Monica Roccaforte Samples

long been in discussions with friends comes the theme of erotic costumes. Some do not dare to admit it, others boast of having the entire collection ... the point is that dressing up is an issue that brings tail (pun intended).
OK I think people need to disguise as a visual element that adds, to the history will show as they want, the problem is that it should be imaginative and above all a great awareness of reality at once. Because
tell the truth, and I am Catwoman, much less an Indian girl HOT Guaraní speaking on dressed as a pirate and you will look anything like Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean."
Personally, I have a very good experience in this field. Died quite a painter. He spent time before we realize our first meeting, which started badly, when he said he had a "surprise" for me.
This "surprise" was anything but a box that said LUST and inside was a sort of Tyrolean dress size Extra Small with a blonde wig with two braids.
I realized it was not fuck when I said that Heidi was the fantasy I had as a kid, and it seemed to me that he could achieve.
Let's see, the situation was: I was alone in the house of a guy who measured 1.90 and weighed 90 kilos, all muscle mass, which was the antithesis of Peter's friend Heidi, who had a crazy side that could well be part of the Manson Clan I with a blonde wig, which was a mixture of male with Nacha Guevara. In other words, all evil. It was the horror. None of that was good.

I tried to explain that he respected her mambo, but was not comfortable with the situation.

- Heidi Is it?. It seems I have some very cornered ...
"No, not for Heidi. I just can not understand where this is all about the lumberjack ...
"I have a nun who is very good or the guerrilla ...

And before I could finish the sentence, I went and we were not more.

Today when I mention this to friends and they tell me their experience I ask you to save certain details.
More than anything because it's so fucking dinner with their boyfriends and know that this guy who now talks to me about politics and elections in Brazil, is the same as the night wears Firefighter, with red cap sunga included, ready to fire off as needed.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Long Dong Silver Film

A's see because I've never accepted one of these games bloggers chain, but sometimes had to be the first. Maite
happened to me over and here are the rules.

1.-Once nominated @ have to put a link to the person who nominated you: Maite 2.-Nominate
four others.
3.-Do these people know that you've nominated.
4.-Make a post explaining and answering four questions for each of the questions below.

Four things in my bag:
-two purses, both with little money
"Lollipops and two chocolates that my father brought us to Switzerland and I have not tested
Four favorite things in my room, my caaaamaaaa

-silence-that are fresh

summer, thanks to a huge mirror which I have to leave the elevator at me shoes

Four things I always wanted to do:
-participate in Big Brother (not worth laughing)
-spend somewhere quiet season U.S.

-go-live on some Greek island and in Tuscany

Four things I like now:
, that my child goes to school so happy and so wonderful, that
my guy to make dinner, my iphone

Four things you did not know about me:
-after something sweet I have to eat a slice of spicy chorizo-
years ago and I loved diving into
"I was thousands of songs, sound like a radio!
-two years ago I left my home advertising and media ... cinema.

Four songs that I remove the head
"The man who confounded the senses, the arrow
-Sweet Child O'Mine, Guns and Roses
-If You Could Read My Mind
-Any song of the Disney playhouse ....

Y l @ s @ s four nominees are: Bea

in finding my way Diablo JuanRa
in at the age of the devil
Leia in a padawan chronic
Patxi in latent inspiration

Bueeeeeno, I've met, now for you to take the baton .. . if you will, of course!

Friday, October 1, 2010

United States Driver's License Templates

A string that is over what was

I are only 2 days of vacation. I spent 3 weeks off, without seeing news and not knowing anything about the real world.

In my 21 vacation days I have spent 12 in the north seeing the family and the rest of'm having a little house.

So Antonio has missed a few days at school, but the return has been good, with incorpocración the dining room, and now the poor makes the whole schedule, but there is no choice!

To my holidays come some changes:
-changing work in my section and I lose my partner who is also going to another destination. Fran: luck and I'm glad of it!!
we home-made diet and let's do something ... we're kicking bacon after 3 years of relaxation.
-and my "crazy head" I hope I need to order.

Kisses to everyone!!