Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pokemon Silver Cut Attack

time checking messages. No call. What do I do?.
"Wait until tomorrow.
- What if I call?.
- Yes. Or send to them a text. Ask is doing. No ... What do you like?.
- We just twice.
- So what?. Do not speak of things that appeal to everyone?.
"Yes, little. He said he liked horses.
- Horses?. "Race tracks?.
"No, no. Horses in general. We talked about the animals we gustaban.Yo said the dog. He said "horses."
- But a veterinarian?. No appointments ... What you talking about animals?.
- He left the question of which animal would be.
- How can two people are in a bar drinking a beer and suddenly there is the reincarnation animal?
"I will not argue.
- "Hello, if in another life I feel that I fish. But a not very big." And you? " "I was a horse." God. That can not end well. Never.
"You wanted to get up when drunk Nico phrases you quoted your favorite movie and made us look like the ass to everyone.
- I just said some dialogue from "The Goonies" and "Adorable Creature." And he was not drunk,
- Oh no?. Dad threw up over Laura.

And suddenly, while Meche was talking about counter-loving clothes horse and Cardon, I had a flashback to 2004. Nicholas, Laura's cousin, which I liked since he was 6, had come from France and no sooner set foot in Ezeiza, started a war between us unfair to see who won the first. The first one "cheated" was Alina, who appeared at the advertising agency where he worked with the excuse Nico devise a jingle for a "possible advertising on TV that makes the shoes my dad." Of course, invited her to drink, but Alina who was recently separated, she began to mourn how much she missed Marcelo and had to put his jingle in the ortho. Good for me!. One down. The following was Meche, who had no better idea than to invite him to "re copada art exhibition of a friend" with such bad luck that it was only a small group of art students who decided to experiment with flour. Everyone who was present at the "Happening" was daubed with a pastenaca, while "Warhol" and his friends , Danced naked to the beat of Bowie. But Nicholas was from the First World, art expos in Paris, so endured five minutes and Meche offered to take her back home. My victory was imminent. In the middle of a Yoga teacher old enough cops tried aguarme the party. According to Lale, Nico was hooked but it passed quickly crush when the husband of "Indra Levi, which was three feet, found out and almost breaks a passionate drama. With this background I had no other to take action. The first thing I did was make me boluda though. And that, sometimes, is what I get better. I phoned
Nico and not invited to the cinema, or an explanatory art, or watch the river in Vicente López. He just asked a question.

- You called me.
"Uh, no.
- Ah, I thought so. Because as you came and saw everyone and all but me. I said, no, you may not remember that when we were ten years he won in all sports. Or maybe if you remember, that the club did look bad in front of all his male friends, and that's why I called.
- Ja. I never forgot that you were the best basketball.
"And I still am. But in the little games.
- How are you?.
- Do you still have braces?.
-No. God. And luckily I pulled them out. Now I have a muzzle only metal, but not serious. It is quite aesthetic.
-Ja. I want to see. Tomorrow there is a barbeque at my cousin. I want you to come.
- Claro. See you there.

The jump I hit the cut will not hit or jump champion in the pole vault. Nicholas
I liked since I was six years. And it was the guy who wanted to be. Cute, smart, sensitive, could play the videos, I liked many of the same things I liked me and we had "that connection." Every summer we spent at the club avalaban my words. All he had to do was get cute and walk through that door, triufante. And after talking all night, we would go alone to a corner and we would look in silence with two glasses of wine in hand. And without saying anything, I would be a lock of hair from her face ... "Because I missed those eyes." And I laugh, half-conscious. Confessed to me he loves me since I taught him to hunt frogs this summer, I would stay silent. And slowly approaching and we would go back, someone was sure to fuel what was happening, and would put "Love Song For a Vampire" by Annie Lennox or any of Elvis Costello, and there we were going to give the best kiss of our lives y. ..
Suddenly, when I was in my best pseudo sleep, I awoke to the voice of Nicholas, who called silent because they had to do an "invitation." And what followed was exactly what I have related, but GORE version, and another player. Nico had returned to Argentina to get away from Camille, his French girlfriend, who had broken his heart. But it seems that the distance had been thought, and now more than ever missed. Therefore, they would marry. He was returning to Paris. Since then, my brain was affected by a virus just like the zombie series, a mutagen that changes the genetic information. I just feed me alcohol and would not repeat those two words. Paris. Marriage. Paris ...
Of course, what counts is true Meche. I ended up vomiting on Laura's father, spit roast all while the screams kept repeating my favorite line from The Goonies: "Ok, Michael Jackson did not come into my house to go to the bathroom, but her own sister."

- Hey. I hung up. What do you think?.
"Nothing. Today when I get home I will ask for ice cream and watch The Gonnie.
- What do I do?. Did you call?.
-Si. But make sure googling something about horses before.


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