Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Haemochromatosis And Bloated Stomach

can always be a little worse. Start

- I when I like a guy "post-post" is not ...
- What is a guy you like "post-post"?. Why you talk like Cumbio?.
- A boy I closed on all sides. Start doing shit, I get bad ...
- Slightly calibrated ...
- Yes. Predictable. Hysterical. Well boluda. That is what is happening to me Joe.
- Do not take it wrong but I do come out with Albert, which is already screwed, would not tell Joe.
- How do you want to tell boluda?. Albert?.
-No. Not.
Al - Al?. It's fucking good. There is Al Pacino.
- But Beto?. Do you agree?.
- So you say since childhood. Already. Alberto and I go out with me I have to bench. Is a name difficult for a 32. Ok. But I'm better than you, that's for sure. To you do not like any.
- Luis I liked.
- Luis does not count. I'm talking about a person who can hold a conversation over 15 minutes.
- Lisandro?.
- The worst of all. Phobic, ill-mannered, hypochondriac. A gem.
- Why so much? . It was a little melancholy, though.
- You have to do like me. You have to target children more real.
- What is it? . Any advertising DOVE for men?. "Real Boys" and appears Porcel clone.
"I mean that you know you are not going to flash the outset that you're going to have to paddle hard to make you like. "It's awful
what you're saying. And you do not look up. But you're making a face ...
-I do not make faces. But what I say is proven.
- By whom?. Why you and your teacher boluda Yoga.
- is sung. The new rate will start to like a month. Month and a half, Ponele.
- So you're a month with one that you like an idiot and then one day you wake up and - oh surprise in the kitchen is Orlando Bloom.
- As Beto's friend that I want to introduce. Not a guy you between the eyes, but I know a little more and you realize that you warm.
- What's his name? . Osvaldo?.
- No. Federico. A cameraman. Laburo in a production. But zero twist. Zero. Happy childhood, does not take benzodiazepines. Quite the opposite of what we know so far. Recently separated, like you. Gustar.Le I think you can pass your Facebook and see that wave. Meche

perhaps he was right. Had to leave out the "myth of the artist" and start a new phase. With less troublesome types of things I do easier. If you looking for one with the face of Jason Schwartzman, the "Perrez" from James Franco, wave Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Wahlberg's back, I would die unmarried. Get big significant addition to a cream for each part of the body-shape not low, but perhaps a little less.
So I finally went to Frank. Meche was right again. It was a bestial CHONGAZO, but very nice, friendly. We went to dinner at a beautiful place in Palermo. We told each other things. We had fun. She seemed very sweet. For the first time I felt that - at last everything was going well. That streak came controversy would have ended. I was going to close this blog and all have a happy ending like in the movies of Drew Barrymore.
finished dinner and invited me to go home to watch a DVD. I would have preferred going to the movies, but I did not bother the privacy of home. I did not want to take on the first date, if she tried something, it was going to be very clear.
opened a wine and watch movies together their shelf. We wanted to see "Sector 9" but the dvd does not func. So we huddled on the couch, turned on the television and did zapping.
In SAT I were giving Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A simply brilliant film but if you just spread can be a pain in the ass.
When some time had passed I began to feel sound. Noises. As small groans, noises that would make a rat in the dark or cat that suffers. Or a child who complains. Fell short of meows, but I spent scraping.
I glanced over and saw Fede, crying. Using force to face so I did not realize.
I tried to continue business as usual. Had been moved around. Like me "Mi Primer kiss "when you die Macaulay Culkin.'s logical. We were not seeing" a laugh ". But the noises became increasingly intense until breaking into tears distressing, such as Andrea Del Boca Black Pearl. A cry dense.

- I think we have to turn off the TV.
-Perdoname. is that this movie reminds me of Laura. The part of the beach. ... Ours was just
- ...
- We met at a beach party in Cabo Polonio. I took him a beer, we started talking and no more parted. Until three months ago. They left me.
- I'm sorry. (PAREN. I know it is horrible what said. But what could I say?). Tell me if you do well.

And what followed was two hours containing a newly separated, listening to stories about his ex, seeing pictures of their holiday together in the world. In Temaikén with monkeys. Universal Studios, with the shark. In the Tigre. In the Plata. I saw every one of the photos next to Laura. Then we moved to the letters that he wrote. Valentine's Day cards in red envelopes, from expensive. Letters for anniversaries with stickers of Dora the Explorer. Fede the treasured loncherita neatly in a Spider-Man as a kid who keeps something very precious. While listening PULP - obviously, the soundtrack to listen to the two when they wanted.

- Vos no tenes because bancarte this. But I'm destroyed.
- I also separated. A year ago.
- So?.
- Y. .. is difficult.

Above all, and this was not going to say, because lately I manages appointments the enemy. Ok God, I get it. The Hollywood actor could not be, but let us not be NO MORE of a recently separated - after three hours mourn, "he ultimately confessed that besides all, she shaves her private parts to please his EX .
Oh, and this blog will not close. With my luck, have for some time.


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