Saturday, May 29, 2010

How Do You Beat The Dragon On Poptropica

Since I can choose ...

... I choose to be happy.

is funny, but this week I had this revelation. On many occasions I can choose and I am so stupid to choose to be a bitter person. But, oddly enough through my many years , this choice had not as clear.

This week I woke up one day and thought "today I choose to be happy" and the tension seemed to disappear from my temples. And so it took a few days ... whenever I get the bad feeling or bad temper I think this "mantra" and ... as if by magic I get a serenity and a pinch of happiness that makes my day better. Wear

well this week and now I work ... and making a choice, I choose to share with you @ s, just in case it helps someone.

Kisses and good weekend.


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