Sunday, May 16, 2010

Epson 835p For Home Theatre Any Good

Mari Frankenstein Dishwasher Handyman or search your site

Yes, I said Mari, not Mani. At about that I've become. Enchido my chest I proudly proclaim to the four that I'm beating cibervientos: today I managed just and nothing less than ......( tachaaaaaaaan): the dishwasher!

a couple of months ago and the product of an orgy that left the reputation of "mehanrobadoelcochediosmio" to a friend Quique, Dishwasher poor suffered collateral damage from that party, so the unfortunate since it was not open to using a fork or anything of similar characteristics. The fork, for that would be useful, I had to get into the mechanism of the apparatus, with the risk of electrocution.

After several months with the unit in this fashion, after beating my normal reluctance to call a technician I, now my patience has reached its limit and I decided to unscrew myself the aparatejo the devil and research in his heart what was happening.
DIAGNOSIS: "destrozao" was poor .... a lot of unknown pieces shattered the hinges .... had made a puzzle.
tramientos: super-glue pagamento ..... which was conspicuous by its absence. So after several experiments with duct tape ........ I've fixed it!!

Miracle? ... Not rule it out since I have left 5 pieces: two whole igualitas and which "notengonipajoleraidea" where they can be, two broken pieces impossible to deal with packing tape and a small room that has padded appeared at the last minute.

And me with this wider than long that my "washed" again to have a above normal appearance and function. Although the inside is as Franki.


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