Saturday, May 29, 2010

How Do You Beat The Dragon On Poptropica

Since I can choose ...

... I choose to be happy.

is funny, but this week I had this revelation. On many occasions I can choose and I am so stupid to choose to be a bitter person. But, oddly enough through my many years , this choice had not as clear.

This week I woke up one day and thought "today I choose to be happy" and the tension seemed to disappear from my temples. And so it took a few days ... whenever I get the bad feeling or bad temper I think this "mantra" and ... as if by magic I get a serenity and a pinch of happiness that makes my day better. Wear

well this week and now I work ... and making a choice, I choose to share with you @ s, just in case it helps someone.

Kisses and good weekend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Platform Buggy Blueprints

five years.

Friday, May 21, 2010

1680x1050 Ati Mobility Radeon 9000 Driver


The lucky
which have free this weekend to enjoy it. The lucky
that we have to work in this country disaster.
for everyone. You enjoy the weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Automatic Tripod Head

Good weekend for you not

In case you ever read my blog, although I long ago that you do not.
Know that my feelings out light is not for you to read, is you do not care because that's what you show me .... you know that this is not writing just for you .... and only for me, is selfishness, for feeling good. You're not part of this and I will not mention again in my space.

I'm sorry, goodbye forever.

How To Install Reason 3 On Vista


In the coming days I will start a new experiment for yourself: I will try to paper. Since there is no degree of difficulty and work I'll check all this in a tiny dealer. For now I have the material and the desire ... I would gladly get to work now, but no hour!

I found this for decorating relaxes me and makes me have the mind is more zen state I know. I'll tell you the thing as it comes.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Epson 835p For Home Theatre Any Good

Mari Frankenstein Dishwasher Handyman or search your site

Yes, I said Mari, not Mani. At about that I've become. Enchido my chest I proudly proclaim to the four that I'm beating cibervientos: today I managed just and nothing less than ......( tachaaaaaaaan): the dishwasher!

a couple of months ago and the product of an orgy that left the reputation of "mehanrobadoelcochediosmio" to a friend Quique, Dishwasher poor suffered collateral damage from that party, so the unfortunate since it was not open to using a fork or anything of similar characteristics. The fork, for that would be useful, I had to get into the mechanism of the apparatus, with the risk of electrocution.

After several months with the unit in this fashion, after beating my normal reluctance to call a technician I, now my patience has reached its limit and I decided to unscrew myself the aparatejo the devil and research in his heart what was happening.
DIAGNOSIS: "destrozao" was poor .... a lot of unknown pieces shattered the hinges .... had made a puzzle.
tramientos: super-glue pagamento ..... which was conspicuous by its absence. So after several experiments with duct tape ........ I've fixed it!!

Miracle? ... Not rule it out since I have left 5 pieces: two whole igualitas and which "notengonipajoleraidea" where they can be, two broken pieces impossible to deal with packing tape and a small room that has padded appeared at the last minute.

And me with this wider than long that my "washed" again to have a above normal appearance and function. Although the inside is as Franki.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Long Do Pms Symptoms Last


Did anyone else see this series and was the only one? I do not remember what year it is (I'm not going to search google, I do not want to feel older) and I do not remember too well the argument, but I liked. And I liked his tune. Even the humming sometimes because, not because I identify with the song. And, although the video is bad, I leave you here.
is the gift to all those "crazy heads" who, like me, still searching for their site.

"Raquel" David Broza

Music Lyrics Javier Rubial
Search eyes,
take my hand, come.
This is your site,
this is your cup of coffee.
Say anything, say
to look over what you think.

take the soul at the helm.
going through life,
just listening to the heart.
looking for a port open

're looking away from the pain ...

Oh, oh, oh, Raquel

Both way
both get you in another skin. At your destination

wanted to stay true. Princess
life change your role ...

Oh, oh, oh, Raquel

point I've caught you borrowed from another blog whose author, like me, also saw the series: first-yo.html

"> .