Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sample Message For Wedding Blog Welcome Message

a flawed understanding of the resurrection

The message of the Resurrection is important because it speaks of our hope that we will not die completely . As for the testimony of Jesus' appearances after his death and resurrection (which if we believe ad litteram the gospel, came to hold a barbecue on the beach with the disciples), there is a vast debate in modern theology, rejecting his reading in a gross literal sense. DNR not return to the body. The theologian Joseph Tübingen Ratzinger explained the resurrection watching what now seems obvious, that death is the extinction of the biological body ( bios), and that the resurrection is the entrance to a different life (zoe ), unimaginable, which transcends his physical laws, chemical and biological weapons.

Vivid Gospel accounts of Jesus' resurrection appearances are pedagogical purpose, but can not be taken as an empirical description if you want that the message of the good news is credible for our time . Resurrection misunderstood would also incomprehensible death of Jesus (if raised in the grave, do you not die, then he was asleep?). Paul Our replica will be: if Jesus did not die as we have to die, then is our faith . But beliefs are free (as illustrated by the argument of Russell's teapot), and they are irrefutable.

By the way, Sunday morning I had breakfast, reading the newspaper Abc with an article of author Juan Manuel de Prada, "glorious body" [ link], showing a flawed understanding of the resurrection. Defective because not know what he's talking (actually no one in this life know how resurrection), or composition of is what it is theology (which is not to explain a catechism) or assume that the modern defender faith in imitation of the apostles, should seek to explain away religious belief our current knowledge of the universe.

I am angry this literalist reading Prada because biblical fundamentalism is no longer frowned upon in the church. Benedict XVI has repeated in his e xhortación Verbum Domini (44): "the" literal "reading advocated by fundamentalist actually represents a betrayal, both literal and spiritual sense, opening the way to instrumentalization of various kinds (...) The problematic aspect of this reading is that "refusing to take into account the historical of biblical revelation , becomes unable to fully accept the truth of the Incarnation itself. shun fundamentalism the close relationship between the divine and human in relationship with God ... For this reason, tends to treat the biblical text as if it had been dictated word for word by the Spirit, and fails to recognize that the Word of God has been formulated in language and phraseology conditioned by a certain time or another " [ Verbum Domini].

says Prada on Abc : "Jesus ate and drank with his disciples after rising, as evidenced by persistently evangelists and certifies Peter (Acts 10, 41). " That's Pedro said that certifies , evidence that our Prada reads Scripture as a crammed police they were, and so nothing subtle plays. Worst seems to rest on nonsense: "But," repeated the scientistic, exasperated, "what happened inside the tomb?". What happened there beyond our understanding, but the Jesuit Manuel Carreira, a physics professor and theologian, has tried to imagine , based on recent advances in quantum mechanics , which have been observed in the laboratory phenomena of movement discontinuous, empathy and multilocación (...)" elementary particles [bold emphasis added] .

If the resurrection beyond our understanding, what is imagined? Not to mention that a scientistic (as I can be me), the opposite as it has ridiculously Prada, never ask what might happen inside the tomb , because the resurrection is a fact theological, not reachable by itself ; or time ( the third day according to the Scriptures ) or space ( resurrect not rise from the grave , shake off the shroud, and leave the tomb ...). The circumstances of time and place are imaginings that are repugnant to what, by glorification transcends the mundane dimensions (space and time, matter and energy). And if the resurrection of itself may not involve the subject's body, the crazy lazy invocation of quantum mechanics, which regards material facts, by strangers who seem to us at our level. And finally, if a subatomic phenomenon observed in laboratory managed to validate something the resurrection of Jesus, we would to say with Paul, who vain would our faith, if it is based on quantum mechanics!

who follows the single letter of the Gospels without grasping its meaning, can not understand how to revive . And as for how it is raised is a meaningless question because quomodo? Predicable is a category of mundane facts, not theological or made glorious . explain the resurrection as a physical phenomenon , is theologically aberrant (as well as dissimilar confuse things: the material world and eternal life), and shows a very poor hope that clings to experiences known to the world without knowing what awaits us when to die. If it was a physical event observable, Jesus would not have risen (and vain would our faith, then yes!) Because a ghost is not risen. who resurrects back to life not known, but entering another new life. And ghosts (as the father of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) are events of this world, not another .

why I believe the Gospels, when telling the apparitions of the Lord, say more about the faith of the disciples, that the vicissitudes of the body of Jesus, dead and buried. The resurrection, which is releasing the biological body can not be an empirical fact of this world. Ratzinger explained it in Tubingen. On this I hope to return later.



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