Saturday, May 7, 2011

Petite Cashmere Sweaters

taurine test library

Al bookish what you like, then gather them together, is to catalog and make it public. In my penultimate post, "Speaking of bulls", I amused myself in tearing bullfighting 8 books and discuss them in passing. As might be capricious selection, I have taken on Saturday to look good on the shelves, to take note of other worthwhile also. In the second round go another 27, making a total of 35. For a discreet amateur is not going to bulls, not bad. It is not organic or complete a collection or to donate it to any institution, but it entertains me because it is the fruit of twenty years of collecting, since I was a student at the university.

not say which of them is more valuable, according to the criteria of monetary concerns, bibliologic or bullfighting, but not the ugliest I doubt that is an early portrait of Jesulín! (1994), Filiberto journalist Mira. Although according to the statement of the classic book that no matter how bad it is, it does not have something good, it contains some curious snapshots, like Jesulín of kid, but bullfighter poster, sitting at a desk in his school . It's been a very brave bullfighter who has suffered tremendous horns, and should never be less than a bullfighter. And I start ...

Georges Bizet [1875], Carmen . Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 1992. Editing Alberto González Troyano. Bilingual edition Carmen, opera in four acts, based on the novel by Prosper Merimee, libretto by Henry Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy, Georges Bizet music, premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris on March 3, 1875.

Eugenio Noel [1913], Scenes and adventures campaign antiflamenca. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLibertarian / Prodhufi, 1995. Collection of critical articles in their campaign against the vices of traditionalism (the flamenquismo and bulls). In the bullring in Valencia, their presence resulted in the laying of public bickering, and to placate uno de los matadores, el Gallo, entregó el trofeo a Noel, que respondió con el artículo: "tres gatos se comen la oreja del Gallo".

F. Bleu (Félix Borrell) [1913], Antes y después del Guerra (medio siglo de toreo). Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1983. Prólogo del nieto del autor, Ignacio Aguirre Borrell. Memoria del toreo antiguo al doblar el siglo XX, desde Lagartijo y Frascuelo (1868-1872), hasta "la irrupción de los fenómenos", Joselito, Papa , y  Belmonte, Emperador (1913). Recorrer el índice de viejas glorias es muy evocador: El Guerra, Algabeño, Bombita, Machaquito, Pastor, rooster, Cocherito, Welcome, Gaona ... As I write curiosity I bought the old book in the Library Cervantes, Calle Ramón y Cajal, La Coruña. There is never a bad place for a good book.

Manuel Penella [1916], The Bobcat. Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 1992. Just edition Romero. Libretto of the "opera in three acts" (lyric drama, or zarzuela), premiered at the Teatro Principal in Valencia February 23, 1916.

Fernando Villalón [1926-1929] Anthology . Hummock de la Frontera (Sevilla), Fernando Villalón Foundation, 1998. Selection of romances of the Baja Andalucía books, The thoriated and 800 Romances, and other poems published in magazines, and unpublished at his death.

Cañabate Antonio Diaz [1953], History a chat. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1978. The gathering was the de Cossio, the Lyon d'Or. "I met Jose Maria de Cossio for the month of June 1938, when living in Madrid was a miracle. It was a day at my cousin Antonio Garrigues ...".

Anselmo González Climent [1955], Flamencología . Ayuntamiento de Córdoba, 1989. A classic test, which are two inseparable popular hobbies, bullfighting and flamenco. In a suggestive "table style" (pp. 39-42), González Climent characterized bullfighting since 1950 ..., the masismo : "New phenomenon (...) taurómaco spiritual and professional socialization the party. Standardization of the pure concept of art. monstrualizado Value Equalization (...) stylistic and locks of the crutch. Tauromaquia neocircense. Legendarismo elemental. degeneration sporting sense introduced by Carlos Arruza. Heroic distances. Spatial twists bullfighting: Bullfighting in front, behind bullfighting, bullfighting with a view to laying, etc. Aesthetic stereotyping. Remove crisis. forget the flags general (...)".

Pedro Garfias, Poetry and prose bullfighting. Diputación de Sevilla Ayuntamiento de Osuna, 1997. As for poetry taurine, is an unpublished original legendary and lost (which tries to reconstruct the editor of this anthology, José María Barrera), Round dead bullfighters, the poet of Osuna, who died in exile in Monterrey, Pedro Garfias (1901-1967).

Manuel Falcon Memories Fernando Villalón. Notes on the history of a family . Madrid, Alianza, 1969. Work of value as absolute as the Belmonte Chaves Nogales. Unforgettable story of meeting the child Villalón "Pernales" the last bandit Andalusian horse.

Rafael Rios Waiters [1974] fundamental Bullfighting. Seville, Biblioteca de Cultura Andaluza, 1985. Foreword by Pepe Luis Vázquez. Contents: I. Brief history of bullfighting. II. Main characters in the Fiesta. III. Terminology guide for beginners. Bad impression, deserves reissued.

Guillermo Sureda, Tauromagia . Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1978. Balance work of an old critic, containing: I. Bullfighting and technique. II. Toro decadent interlude (with the inevitable question: why fall bulls?). III. For an aesthetic of bullfighting. IV. Variations on various subjects (with a section on "rivalry party salsa.")

Bergamín [1981], The silent music of bullfighting . Madrid, Ediciones Turner, 1994. Essays and aphorisms, to the highly personal evocation and Juan Belmonte spoke "and the chronicle of the historic run of Corpus 1981 in Sevilla (" Vision memorable "):" The tears that he jumped to Gallo, the fight, were in the eyes of the bullfighters as in ours. Never silent music of bullfighting was more clarity and transparency of soul in those three bullfighters passed us with his charm, his singing and his own singing. Manolo Vázquez, Curro Romero and Rafael de Paula. I do not know to describe it, or tell
properly ...".

Luís del Campo, The church and the bulls. Cures bullfighters. Pamplona, \u200b\u200b1988. The author is a physician and writer, born in Pamplona in 1912. Chapter bulls in Navarra, and documentary evidence of priests who, in the past, were fond of mixed in with secular parties and run steers and torearlos.

José María Requena, Toro world. Tientos the rite of blood and the sun . Brenes (Sevilla), Muñoz Moya and Montraveta, 1990. Tour of the manifestations of bullfighting explained with literary intention. Admira recreational reading your stories studied bullfighting well known that all the fans we like to have, like are people for everything! ("Raphael and Don José") or the degenerating degenerating ("One of Belmonte.") Requena gave me a book fair, telling me as I signed that Bergamin said that "there is nothing more boring than a bad run."

José Antonio del Moral (text), Jean Ducasse (drawings), Ojeda, the last revolutionary . Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1991. English-French bilingual edition. Seen in the distance, the matador Paco Ojeda, and after his retirement, rider, now enjoys no such glory as he had in his day that much noise armed with a bullfighting above, getting rich, yes, muy admirado en Francia (circunstancia que explica este artístico libro bilingüe).

Luís Gilpérez Fraile, La vergüenza nacional. La cara oculta del negocio taurino . Madrid, Penthalon Ediciones, 1991. Libro paradigmático de la corriente animalista y antitaurina (de la que se me ocurre decir que no está del todo falta de razón), de un militante defensor de la naturaleza. Impresionante colección de fotografías con crueles comentarios, como la del diestro que ha "cuadrado" al toro y se dispone a entrar a matar, enfilando al toro con el estoque: " Matar es algo que Dios me ha dado (palabras del matador Rafael Ortega). La ignorance, brutality, ignorance, ultimately, not to lie on mixing God with the most abominable actions. Many runs are held benefit of churches, fraternities and other Catholic organizations.

Victor Bernardo Carande, bull hide memory (memories bullfighting). Universidad de Sevilla, 1992. author of this memoir was the son of Don Ramon Carande, financier and former rector of the University. He served as correspondent of the magazine graphic The Ruedo taurine (1963-1966), where the book reproduces many images of "the time of two Antonios "(Welcome and Antonio Ordonez Antonio).

Gonzalo Díaz-Y. Recaséns, Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra (ed.), Bullrings . Sevilla, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, 1995 ( 3 rd ed.). is the catalog of an exhibit that opened in Ronda at the end of Goya, with description of 52 Plazas de Toros in Spain. "This investigation into the bullring (an analysis of the relationship between urban and secular bullfighting, which addresses the historical, architectural and urban development in various fields of development) was genesis, when he ran the year 1976, within the School of Architecture of Seville, in Workshop 1 of the Department of Architectural Design. "

Santaló León Carlos Alvarez (et al.) , A myth to remember. Homage to Joselito el Gallo . Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, 1995. The book (of the splendid library Sevillian Topics ") brings the series of conferences held in the old Convent of San Hermenegildo City to mark the centenary of the birth of Joselito. Eg Miguel Ríos Mozo spoke on "Joseph and John (metaphysics of competition)."

Carlos Abella, bull law! The language of bullfighting and its influence on everyday . Madrid, Anaya & Mario Muchnik, 1996. About phraseology taurine, let it be known that everyone, including the Cossío , drink from the Great Dictionary bullfighting Sanchez de Neira (1879-1880). Abella has the honesty to admit it. Alphabetical and annotated catalog of "sayings, phrases, sayings and expressions bullfighting, which begins with A past head are kneeling, and concludes with Zaragata in Cadiz bulls on the island (including example sentences as usual as "out by feet" or to ride roughshod ").

Rufino José Martín, Brushstrokes harassment and demolition cattle. Sevilla, Guadalquivir Editions, 1996. Art Dissertation pole and the genet, this old farmer Seville (born 1932) still active in his youth vaulter in the family farm.

Antonio Murciano (ed.), Art and the death of Manolete in English poetry. The Fiftieth Anniversary Anthology (1947-1997). Sevilla, Ediciones Guadalquivir, 1997. Prepared by this poet of Arcos de la Frontera, contains: Puerta Grande ("Ode to the bullfighters in Andalucia" by Luis López Anglada), poetry (including a sonnet by Juan Sierra), Andalusian and English song (including Juanita Reina: "That will put a crepe to the Mosque / the tower and bells / and the bars and the cross ... "), ballads and popular songs.

Alvaro Domecq, Memoirs. 80. My path to gallop . Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1998. With extensive photo album (eg "to Belmonte in the festival held in the Glass Gallows, Madrid, September 19, 1945).

Juan Manuel Albendea Pabón, Bulls from the bench. Defense of the National Party . Sevilla, Padilla Books, 2007. Albendea is a famous fan, born in Cabra from Seville. Member of Parliament, the book includes his involvement in the parliamentary control committee of October 20, 2004, against proposition of Esquerra Republicana, "by urging the Government to take legal steps to remove the television programming at times when children bullfighting. "

Andrés Amorós and Antonio Fernández Torres, Ignacio Sánchez Mejías , the man of the Silver Age . Córdoba, Editorial Almuzara, 2010. Well-illustrated edition, which commemorates the 75 th anniversary of the death of this immortal right. It's a must- , which extends a shorter study published in Andrés Amorós Alianza Editorial (1998).

José María Jurado (text) and Paul Shoot Cow (illustrations), Bullring. Sevilla, Ediciones Siltolá Island, 2010. Art book very carefully and affordable, focused on the Fiesta de Toros in Seville. Together with the classic Joselito and Belmonte (because there is no memory of lizards and Frascuelo), Curro Romero, Paula ... The authors pay tribute in the form of drawing and poetry, to contemporary José Tomás and Morante de la Puebla.

Opus Finis Coronate



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