Monday, April 25, 2011

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Sevilla, Easter Sunday morning

A splendid morning of Easter Sunday in my town, which compensates for the showers of Holy Week. It tells the press that was 78 years (since 1933) that the processions were suspended early on Friday (the madrugá , as the people). This year, the risk of rain, have left temples none of the six fraternities at dawn: El Silencio, El Gran Poder, La Macarena, Calvary , La Esperanza de Triana and Gypsies. But neither paraded Students the Tuesday before Easter, or Passion, which should have left his church in the square of El Salvador at dusk on Holy Thursday, and many others ...

I recall that on Easter Sunday last year, about noon, I was watching the procession of the Risen to turn the streets Santa Ángela de la Cruz and Girona, which is a "shot back" (so are the people of Seville, we have and remember for years to brotherhoods). But this time I preferred to visit the library Recaredo street in Puerta Osario, where fig a fig librejo find some cheap. On this occasion, a balance of the nation's history chichimeca (1640), Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl, ugly bad paper edition (what are you going to do.) will say that I have extravagant tastes, but this season I'm reading my True History of Bernal Diaz del Castillo, and soaking of the things Aztecs. Honestly, when I read the chronicles of the conquest of New Spain , I think it shrinks the heart of the moral suffering, more than physical, the Aztecs had to spend an overnight witnessed the traditions final of their elders.

The story is a tremendous series of killings, like the one we have just commemorated. The testimonies of the ancients, and the Evangelists themselves, reminiscent of Pontius Pilate procurator for its harsh treatment of Jews. The Nazarene was just one of many crucified, punishments with which the terror instilled Roman people down. Rereading the story of the Passion, I was shocked to hear the bluff of Pilate (Jn 18:35): Am I a Jew? This arrogant reply seems very revealing. The

contempt for the Jewish people in the Gospels is an optical error that has to do with the political environment in which the Gospels have spread over time. Hatred of Jews is not consistent with Christianity (especially because a 'Christian' is a 'follower of the Messiah of Israel' ). Pilate despised people down because it was the Roman ruler of Judea, "but we then we have to take sides in Rome by Caesar, Pilate? If we did, we would say, as the high priests led Jesus into the common hall: have no king but Caesar! (Jn 19.15). However, the Jewish people the way Jesus exclaimed: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel! (Jn 12.9). When we hear the voices of the vanquished, Pilate's interrogation comes into its own (Tu es rex Iudaeorum?). Pontius Pilate is the real opponent of the Messiah, an antichrist , and so she spits at him, "Am I a Jew?". The Christian is the son of Israel, not Rome, hailed the Messiah, not to Caesar ("omnis enim is qui facit regem, contradicit Caesari) .

Al leave the library with the book of the mestizo Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl under his arm, I retraced my steps and turned the corner in the Puerta Carmona . Climbing Street, reaching the height of the church of San Esteban, greeted at the door to some of the fraternity brothers and I went to see the steps. The sitting image of Jesus Health and Good Voyage could not leave the Gothic arch of the temple, the Tuesday before Easter, the rain thing. In my last post I mentioned the passage of the Gospel of Matthew 27.28 says that the soldiers of the Praetorian Guard and stripped Jesus chlamys covered with scarlet. Precisely the Christ of the brotherhood of St. Stephen is represented as well, and as the picture I bring it in black and white, we can not settle whether the soldier's cloak was red or purple ...



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