Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Negima Dai Mahorasai Cd

El Chico 1996 (Second and Last Part)

At the end and then trying to bribe me with a pair of Mishka, Meche won his role and I agreed to have dinner with El Chico 1996, now become a famous plastic surgeon in cable programs.
For all not seem so out of cardboard, Meche gave my cell phone and be responsible for formally inviting.

- When I saw your photos on Facebook I have to admit I was surprised. I mean, you're better. Changed.
- Yes. Still used in 96 fixtures.

- Ja. If you were saying "Iron" ...

- Not a day goes by that I do not remember ...

- But you were very funny.

- Era. With time for me was the grace and good humor.

- And why a girl like you alone?.

- I never said she was alone, in fact I am, "but" What do I have?. Do I very single?.

"Do not misunderstand me. He wanted to be a compliment and went wrong. Come to the point. Friday at nine. How come?.

- I have nothing.

- then I'd be out to dinner. All. With Meche, groom, and Matthew. I mean, to make wines, not long ago that we met. I am in charge of selecting the location and deposed notice.

- Cool.

That "boy 1996", Gaston Leveira, arming a group outing was no doubt a relief to uppercase.
I was not able to have a "date" with my crush of the colony after more than 10 years since we met. Imagine depressed me remember the day that James Lacolla almost drowned in the pool. Or that Bridget, the coordinator, you transiparaban armpits. And fantasy
more porn that had to be diluted with anecdotes from when we were kids, hairless and toothy.
Also, what's that mean I'm single?. When does acquire an aspect of "unmarried"?. As if a card that said CATEGORY: Single

But inadvertently was not so easy to escape the dogma that my therapist had been able to create, open your eyes and repeating CHANCE while drawing circles in the air as 0 SER propaganda.

"It's a dinner, are friends, I have this kid will win from 12. CHANCE.
Ok, I like Mickey Mouse and go to Disney, but I have to stop being so prejudiced. I dated a lot of guys who shared the same interests and did not work. "

This time could be different. Bah except that Gaston chose the restaurant grease from Puerto Madero full of mirrors, with a violet light that seemed taken from a collective 109 and Phil Collins soundtrack.
had not gone five minutes since we sat down we started to hear screams of a Forties who recognized him from the door and now came to the table willing to take a picture with the "Doctor of the TV."

- "Oh Doctor!. We follow him on television. A friend of ours was operated with you but at the time yet to cosmetic surgery. Long ago in a watch, a pneumothorax. And one day we were looking Silvia cable and told us - "That is the doctor who operated on me in the Alvarez" - and from there you continue forever. We do not miss a program. "

"Thank you" - answered the - smiling with his teeth bleached, while taking pictures with the group of ladies.
And for a moment, everything seemed so tremendous that even stopped bothering.
The food was not bad and Gaston amused everyone with his stories of boobs and methacrylate.
At times cutting his monologue kind of stand up for me in my ear that was cute and load again knowing your audience, we were celebrating every grace, "he was doing. We were having a good. Irma had razón.CHANCE.

As to the fourth bottle of wine, Matias wanted to make a toast.

- I want to provide for this reunion. And I propose that we will do a camp like that of 1996. Next long weekend. We all go to my house on the coast. It's great. Do not you, Doc?.

"I already signed.

"I think it can be a very special camp. I mean, the last time we saw a similar situation, we were all virgins.

- If we were to spend hours or remain so.

- What hours?. I stopped being a virgin 3 years after the camp. Tell me that you put her in that camp and I'm here. Will put it there?.

"Yes, idiot, I thought you knew. The daughter of the watchman of the campsite. Now

monologue all celebrated the Doc he was nothing but the horrible story of how had lost her virginity to a peasant woman 10 years older than him, which led to a discussion of drunken men, telling their sexual debut, listing the amount with which the famous Doc had gone to bed, finally explaining a strange point system applied to women: "If it's 5 but is charismatic, it does not matter."

With Meche went out to smoke. Seen from a distance the scene was Michael Jackson's Thriller. Gaston laughed out loud smacking his lips with his tongue, making a strange gesture with his fingers.
Not only had not noticed that I was no longer on the table but I doubt he cared. Towards
half hour who kept talking about his whistle.

- I think I will stop therapy.

- Why?.

- No. I like too many chances. Sometimes it would be better to stay at home watching Larry David before going out with anyone to see "that thing".

- Did you say by Dr Schwanek?.

-Other ...

-I know, it's terror. I swear not to make more this type of output.

- Promise?

- Did you hear what's new?

- Which of all the atrocities he said?.

-La that was counted as "helicopter" with the whistle.


- Get out of here. Let to walk a bit.

- Please ...

And there I was again eager to get home before jumping on couch, eating Cadbury Yogurt and a real appointment with basket.


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