Saturday, December 25, 2010

How To Get My Wife To Wax

! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Preliminary action

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can Pap Smear Test Pick Herpes

year 60,000 visitors dancing

- So?.
- And what, Mom?.
- How goes it?.
- How is that?.
- "That."
- If you answered what I think about your questions you're going to offend.
- Tell me ...
- what I think?.
-No. How are you?.
-Passing one of the greatest moments of my life.
"I did not look good.
- Then why questions.
- Because I realize you're wrong. I told Dad I was worried about you.
- Last time you told me that was in fourth grade, when you thought was a lesbian?.
"I'm serious. Olga told me it was clean and I found the phone cursing shouting.
- Yes. With Euge. He told me the end of a movie I wanted to see. I was cursing to a friend, Mom. I'm not one of your patients.
- No I'm asking you as a psychologist.
- You ask me as a mother is much worse.
- You go out with someone?.
- No.
- Do you miss John?.
"Sometimes yes. It was a long time.
-I read the twitter. Did I tell you?.
- What?.
"That you read the twitter. If I had any doubt that he was an asshole, I confirmed.
"Mom ... "You read the twitter of my ex?.
- The read yours too. I hate to put so much of DRUGS.
- But it's a joke ...
- At this age you have to explain anything to me. I smoked spliff with a boyfriend once, in a bathtub. So it is on Drugs.
- In Brazil?.
"No, with that I understood through gestures.
- What happened to those who work in advertising, who dresses weird?.
-has a girlfriend.
"Oh, and it killed you. I realized I was depressed. I know.
- I'm not depressed, Mom. I have no desire to be with a guy who goes with another, which will come to my house at 3 am, hiding from the model girlfriend you have, you go to bed with me, will use my shower to shower, then I will ask him to avoid suspicion SMELL, to see if you still have my scent, like an animal or something, and is leaving with wet hair dicéndome "talk" "I call."
- Well. Not that bad. When I met your father, he was a partner.
- What?
- Yeah, yeah. For quite some.

My mom was shitting on me roughly. Not only because he could not overcome the karma that psychologists have to their children, I remind you that any interpretation out of session is rude - but also because I was revealing intimate details of my old age I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW. I like Euge had told the end of a movie. There are things I prefer not to hear. If my dad was a pirate, I preferred not to know.

"The best thing for depression is to clear out, get cute ...
"I told you I'm not depressed.
-Start year dancing.
- Are you seeing?.
-Going to dance.
"Mom, I'm not going to dance since she was 18.
"Well, no, what do you do?. Are they going to bars?. Here you can find.
- I do not think Kimm & Novack or Bizarro World are places where you can get a boyfriend.
- insisting I come to introduce the son of Marcela.
- has 21 years, Mom.
- but it seems more. Para su edad es muy maduro.
-¿De que voy a hablar con un chico de 21 años?. No vió ni Grande Pá. No tengo cosas en común. Le debo parecer una señora.
-Pero es un chico precioso.
- Definitivamente no lo es.
- Si no lo conocés.
-Lo tengo en Facebook, me pidió amistad.
- Bueno, va a Mar de las Pampas. Vamos a pasar el 24 con ellos , es una buena oportunidad de que se conozcan. Además el quiere ser periodista , por ahi le podés dar una mano con el laburo y ¿quien te dice?.
-No voy a salir con el hijo de Marcela.
- Bueno , fijate. Es un buen chico. Sino , te vas a quedar saliendo toda la vida con tipos llenos de "problemitas".

Esta soy yo. Un Tuesday afternoon. Armando a bag to go and spend Christmas in a cabin in the woods with my two parents, Marcella and son virgin of 21 years. And worst of all is that my mother has as much right to reduce the concept of marital status to guys with "little problems" I can not deny for a minute I was in the middle of the dunes, teaching him to kiss a child 21, who in his Facebook profile picture is the donkey from Shrek.

Does Implantation Exists

Thank you all for your mails and comments on Facebook.

And my old, please ask me to stop saying the word PITO because her friends read the blog.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ultrapro Dongle Emulator

My psychologist and resigned, the other day tried hypnotize. I was afraid. What I know, I was the son of Tusam. "You fail" and I actually think it failed. It all started badly. It all started like this ...
"Let's see, let us think so we can work together. What is what is going wrong?
- For me it's me.
- Do you feel that the fault is in you?.
- Yes, almost certainly yes.
- Why?
"Because I choose wrong. I always pick that I have to choose from. Eye, just that I have to choose not know where they are. Or not born yet.
- How's that?. Irma
"It's so, I graph. I'm fine, do what I like, I will write the pilot, I have the radio, it's like I'm unstoppable.
- Yes?. And why did you call me at three o'clock yesterday?.
"I felt a little sick.
"You said you wanted to have a romantic death ...
-had taken over. I got melanco not going to kill me. "That will ensure
Norman Briski ...
"Yes, it was my drama teacher. Did I say that?. I do not remember that part.
- My what worries me is your relationship with men. Men who you choose to join you in your life, the things you said in the sessions. Certain notes that I made. Close your eyes and Listen to yourself. For example: "It's a drunk, is a dwarf and is believed cute."
- Yes. And is an accent Cordoba I did not finish close.
- So you worry more for the accent if you take two bottles of wine in half an hour.
- I resent the people who are not of Cordoba and speaks with an accent.
- (Silence).
- You're in Cordoba?.
- Let us otherwise. "I feel like going out with him. But I left with two of his friends. I feel it would be easier if we left the four-and-play.
- Yeah, yeah, it was a very dark period of my life.
- still. "It looks like Vincent from Beauty and the Beast."
- Did I say that?.
- The issue is that I do not remember speaking. Just know several Vincents.
- .....
- I meant the version of the story was adapted for television
- "You think you can call anytime. I'm going to smash. HA HA."
- No. HA HA I NEVER say no.
- .....
- "has a girlfriend but I saw it and is Cesar Banana Pueyrredón.Creo that I have chances there."
- But is it difficult traits. And the pear very end.
- "He invited me to the house and began to wash his underwear by hand Camellito."
- I fucked a touch to see who had several types of soap.
- "He wants to film a sex tape and do not realize their limitations."
- Because you have to have with you to film ...
- "I invited her sister's house, which I think is Mormon."
- "is 42, lives with his mother and has a size Chewaka in the room."
- "He introduced me to his friends as SU celebrants.
- .....
- "It's all gray. Everything."
- "I found a photo of The Teen Angels on your PC."
- "Le Brique cardholder was in Villa Gesell.

And memories were passing, I read phrases Irma. But with eyes closed is difficult. See all black, make an effort to remember and you mixture advertising Burger King with the brothers of MDQ, the top of the new life in Chile Pampita face Macri, and half your story, read by another, is but sinister than it seems.
When I left, I called Lau. Three things I said. That if I remember perfectly. "NO MORE LAME." I got into the first Burger King I found and ordered two complete menus to go. Meanwhile, trying to devise a strategy to put back on track and forget my love life forever I gave him kisses the beast Vincent.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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COAC Order 2011 Cadiz Carnival

the ever

Finally, according to information sent to Cadiz Bay DAILY , the lottery has brought to lift the curtain on 2011, the choir COAC Sevilla 'Café Teatro Alameda', but the highlight of the first night will be the joke of Selu, 'Number 1 in sales (and stations). " Another joke, 'Binge' of San Fernando, the mission will to close the ever-questionable quality and quantity in the morning, preliminary 20 to February 21, minutes before the first selection of the jury, which this year will be chaired by a woman, Maria Victoria Smith.En a quick review of some groupings still waiting for the favorite and a priori, the troupe of Jesus Welcome, first prize in 2010 in its form, under the name of 'The currelantes', will perform on Saturday 5, the joke of Vera Luque' The Cadiz Post Times: The morning paper ', will begin to defend their deserved first in the final contest on Monday 14, the fourth of Morera, will do the same, but adds three consecutive first- under the name of 'Those who took the monkey off Amedia and the middle', and in choirs, the Pastrana, the first order in 2010 against the almighty Julio Pardo, open meeting on Thursday, February 10, now with the name 'The Early Bird. There is clearly, by its mass following, the troupe of Juan Carlos Aragon, "princes", will premiere on Monday, 7, and the troupe of Antonio Martin, 'The Madness of Martin Burton' on Saturday 12.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mexico Driver Templates

The Municipal Tourist Cadiz City Council presented during the International Tourism Fair of Madrid (Fitur) Carnaval de Cádiz 2011. Specifically, the presentation will Jan. 22, from 21 am, at the Teatro Monumental, same scenario as last year, a building with a capacity of more than 1,600 people at an event in which City Hall, as usual, invited to attend the groups that won this year's Official Competition Falla Theatre Groups. Thus, for the first time, the Municipal Hall Cadiz matches the presentation of Carnival in the capital to attend the International Tourism Fair, which will increase its promotion to the exhibitors and attendees themselves to the fair, which will have the opportunity to see first hand One of the most attractive city in the face of their promotion to the outside, as is the great festival of Cadiz International Tourist Interest.

Source: Diario de Cadiz

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Watch Explicit Brazilian Wax

MADRID performance of "The Cristalitos" We have NEW PRINCE

A new opportunity to see these great extras in Cadiz and enjoy a good selection of songs anthologies carnival. The appointment is in the Hall Suite 215, in Alcala de Guadaira, Paradise area, downtown. The performance is Friday, December 10th from 22:00. Entrance is 8 euros enticipada consumisión, the day of the show are 12 euros. Limited capacity.
crystallites Tickets for 8 EUR, 12 EUR IN DOOR. (Contact tel 695204009 nacho).
or send a private on TUENTI's BLOG .....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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The Grinch

missing 22 days to Christmas and I'm mutating into Michael Douglas in Falling Down. I hate Christmas with all my being, my 66 meters high, with my XXX kilos (or fart around here say how much weight) but believe me, I hate.
I'm like the Grinch, I'm the person who most hates. Mind you, I want to clarify that my problem is with Christmas and NOT NEW Year. With New Year is all but good, and is submerged in a sediment depressed as last year, I relive the day 30, 31 I gather all my friends at home, dance and always stays one ball making it fun - see the member to your friend is material for another post, but yes, I like the New Year.
Now CHINGEL BELL NO. Always been a hated figure of Santa Claus. Do not you? . Do parents not realize this?. What is traumatic for a kid to think that a big red suit with a white beard and dwarves elves will go down the chimney to leave gifts. A terrified me. I was not thinking about gifts. I thought of that fat. No ... Santa, I like you very badly. Undercover pedophile give me, give me eat fat-kid. Not to mention the Magi, three chabon coming from beyond the TU to take water and feed their camels. In other words, the mere idea that a guy named MELCHOR into my house with a camel while I slept was a shocking image. And the Tooth Fairy?. What do I say that?. A rat bone collector. A rat exchange money for your teeth. What makes the teeth? Why you want a rat your teeth?.

back to my family Christmas Eve celebration is a very special kid and that is all white. To see Mom, Who are we?. Alan slaughter?. Do Valeria Mazza blond children?. Who are we to dress all in white?. Visualize my uncle VITHEL source TONE dressed to the nines, like ice cream, or pseudo-Mexican drug leader with background Carols - telling bad jokes. And everyone laughs. White. "Sad, no?. Me smoke from 84 ...

Another familiar ritual is SWEET TABLE. Year after year, my aunts made goodies and sweets, which tasted after 24. Something that would be really beautiful, but see it marred by many anecdotes, the "big" feature under the influence of champagne.

- "One Christmas when you were little girl did poop in the tree."
- "The bird that had not escaped. Fried died.
- "The maid who had not only robbed, but did black magic".

And I'm hearing about things that do not choose to know, as a group of dancing sixtysomethings Leo Dan, do "the little train "and I remember - once again, it's Christmas, I'm single, and the only thing I did since I started eating chicken the night is cold with Russian salad. And open colonies that I will never use. Romi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wedding Blessing For Program

Juan Jose Arauz springers "THE SUCK" Toni will be the substitute, the louse in the comparsa de Juan Carlos Aragon "Los Principes" a surprise because "Chupa" did not come out since 2008 with "The Perfumers"

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February 4 as the starting date of the contest

The executive board of the Board confirmed yesterday the date of February 4 as the beginning of the Official Competition of the Gran Teatro Falla Groups, 2011 , after announcing it as provisional ago month. From that day, coinciding with the start of the qualifiers for adults, and the final, 4 February, just a month mediate couplets. The qualifying will run until February 20 to 17 sessions. The quarterfinals will be from 22 to 27 February, with 21 as the only rest day, the semi-finals on 28 February, 1 and 2 March and the final on Friday 4 March. All meetings start at nine o'clock at night.