Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Cross Stitch Patterns Of Dora

Victorian Sampler By Lexington

Next year marks 10 years of graduate school and as is customary in most schools is a class reunion, where after a decade, you'll see my face peers.
In those years I keep just a friend. Not because I'm Hannibal Lecter, but because I fell into the wrong school.
As I was a lifetime of Villa Park and was always away from civilization, a little comfort, a little out of ignorance, I decided to stay in the same school where he had primary education.
The first two years worked well, had a small group of "friends" with whom did things typical of their age. The problem is that as you will appear to define their personality differences. And in this case, were irreconcilable. I did not hear the same music as them, I did not like the same TV programs or the children themselves, or the same clothes, or shared their ideas about politics, motherhood, religion and life itself.
is, on the playground were all on one side and in the classroom, eating Mogul: ME.
And it was not nice of course, with men not having much luck.
Back in 98, if a guy approached me, the only thing that could talk was of the Gallagher brothers and my fanaticism for Oasis. And with my companions, who were like a bunch of monkeys trained to cry HUNG HUNG clearly that did not work. Above
was theater and theater at the college was synonymous with abnormality. Most thought she was a lesbian, or that concealed weapons under the bench.
Needless to say that I spent nothing While these years. Did not go to Bariloche and the last day of school I felt a kind of mystical spiritual liberation hard to explain. Then life
rewarded me with great friends who do share and I can connect.
Recently, I ran down the street with one of my companions, the "winner" of the class. He who raised his shirt to show your abs hard work. The guy told him he looked like a football player and had believed the character to the letter. Went dancing with the shirt of River and even bragged about signing autographs. It took
recognize not only because it weighs 120 kilos, but is completely bare. It was the first assured me that being a journalist would fail to eat bread, best study did not study accounting or anything like that would be dedicated to the family business (a maxikiosco lease on Basin Street).
chatted for a while. Was quite surprised when I said I was working with a halo of sadness told me that he had gone to try all lower as Football Club had, without success.
when we were apologized for firing. I laughed and told him I had forgiven him long ago and thanks to this "evil" children today could be who I am, laughing at myself, and why not go to that meeting of alumni and also laugh them. Laugh a lot and then post it here, to share with you and also to laugh.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best Mid Price Dvd Player

Masculine Myths (Part One)

A male myth that haunts the bars and talk of boys is the famous "A mine like to be treated badly." Always, anytime there is an "alpha male" ready to alert their friends about female behavior.
"The thing is, while everyone else says they hear with attention, the more you ignore it, the mine is most attracted. Never fails. "
Well I tell you something: That girls like to be ignored is a tall tale. FALSE. ERROR. Wrong way and are on track to crash soon. For if, sometimes fails.
But I can not deny that these "theories" that are made in talks where some drunk thinks he is knowledgeable about our universe, I wake up some sympathy. It causes me to see a group of mines in a "conchódromo" refuting these principles male. Gender differences, Adam's rib, call it what you want, but I have taken pains to develop the profile of this gentleman who takes a distance sometimes excessive, to cause attention.

To some represents a challenge. The more unattainable presents a type, are most curious about. As if to say: "At this I'll get good." But unfortunately change someone is more difficult than winning the Christmas Gordo. And if someone changes completely, it would not be who they are and lose the charm. Generally

some are presented as seductive suitors inaccessible, whispering softly, a Playboy, a familiar type of life, with sophisticated tastes. What happens is that the Physique du rôle, does not what our eyes see. Let's see, NO SOS Pablo Echarri in its best moments, you just get your old counter and purchase your ties. NO TE DA EL Pinet. AVIVATE.

if to distance or create an aura of mystery about these "bicycle men" have it tied up (not a euphemism, although it seems).

Consider some cases:

The Knight

are at 23:15 pm on a Friday. And when everything seemed to indicate that the guy is stuck with the Chilean miners, no sign of life, I get a text message with a question can change the beginning of time.

- What did you do?, Orlando Bloom asks argento.

And you, you were full discography clavándote Cristian Castro depressed because the guy was not able to send a "hello" in seven days, you go up the volume and pretend to be at a party surrounded by chome, when in reality at home There is more silence than a clinic.

The 2.0 as

who still retains some features of "Humanity" in arteries and it seems cruel to do it face to face, put your brakes via the web, takes refuge behind a flat screen monitor, it does so via networks social, twitter, facebook, etc.

Ponele, uses much of the MSN emoticon. The one where you will say, 'I like, "gets you a flushed face, a heart, a little flower but is unable to say" me too "or worse if you say:" I do not "do it with some pacman face in the middle, to seem less aggressive, very stupid. Sorry, lost my temper ...

which also seems to understand the bread crumbs you leave it on the road that goes straight to bed, but it does not. For example: You post on your facebook wall "Tonight I am to skid" and puts you type "I like" with the Tom Thumb up and stops. Yes, it is disconnected in every way possible. It goes on a tangent with current issues, political news, or weather. Is able to say anything but "veamosnos."

And this may be the worst. It is believed that what he told the psychologist. Let's see, any interpretation out of session is rude, they say the therapists. The PSI is behind the private interpretations of the analyst to put a Chinese wall between him and you. Culpógenas phrases like "I have to take care of me" or "I am a very complicated" are what he likes to repeat. At first it seems very attentive, very connected to her feelings, but in reality you're saying "If you're with me is because you're a masochist and also half asshole." Not to panic, but to give prompt delivery. Because the worst that could happen is that you end up in therapy for his thread.

So when is this a challenge and I look forward to the adrenaline of something, perhaps to be better trained to climb Mount Lanin on the south, before holding the candle to a variable.
Or look to the side and see the eternal "rower" in that he never said more than "hello" and has invited you to the movies since Titanic was released. Because there is no ideal type, of course, but it seems most is the one who does things so complicated right?.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Retirement Cake For A Banker

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Illegal Mother Us Citizen Father

the first day. Saving

change the life of my child. Starting tomorrow, your life will be accelerated and become more autonomous, more mature. Tomorrow is the first day of school.
Although officially begins Monday when the school year, we will take the kindergarten service offered by the college, so that these days will see what it is.

been all day nervous and eager to mourn. On one side is a relief to have more time for me and knowing that Antonio will be learning and playing, but on the other hand gives me great pain that I do so more and not be there to protect him. I have the terrible feeling that I lose, that now I will need so much ....

know it's something we spend all parents but for me being a bitter pill. But tomorrow I will be with the best of my smiles drowning sorrow and hope that this happens soon, as sure as it becomes routine will be good for everyone.

How have I gone so maudlin?? jajajaj .... a mystery of genetics.

Hugs to all and sleep, tomorrow is school. (Well, I do not promise anything about it because I'm going to sleep .. jajajaj nerviosiiisiima)