Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Judo Free Web Templates

What mythological
mythology has been systematically vilified and labeled as that which is false, illusory or unreliable. This concept is not innocent or naive, is laden with intentions that relate to the struggle between monotheism and ancient pagan religions known.
What characterizes it is mainly their mythological story of a sacred history of events that occurred in a time of origins, in a fabulous time outside history, and thus explains the existence of a reality or a fragment of reality. Mythology, in the form of dramatic events, exhibits this kind of material world events as well as a version of the forces that determine the existence of human beings.
Contact with the mythologies is permanent, despite the denial of their importance all means rely on them in a veiled way they know the strength of attraction they have on the public's imagination. Television, film and even the daily news abounds with examples of acts of universal villains, impossible feats with almost invincible heroes, heroes who, having sin of pride, expose themselves to thundering falls. If all these events arouse the interest is because they are linked to acts of universal reality, events that recognize all human beings, whatever their knowledge of myths and legends.
is why the analysis set out photography explores the elements that enrich the image and have their origin in those unconscious forces that move the viewer.

The first picture shows a sculptor working, guess the dust rising from the stone and it is this light effect, together with the texture of the block and the composition of volumes, yields the overall image. But there are other elements that are struggling to be submitted to the hearing and contain a strong symbolic. The eyes, for example, are not as such but are only mirrored surfaces, the face is covered with a mask and raises a doubt about the identity of the worker, the body attitude seems to reveal an intention to fight between a man and a block of marble weighing several tons. And other elements, appear even less evident from behind as the sculpture of a reclining man, a brilliant reflection in a cross, a luminosity that seems to hide something else.
All these signs help to suggest the existence of a dramatic setting, the stone carving is one of the first works of humanity and, although this image can be seen a machine, the scene itself with the cross of light and its many connotations we lose something of the sense of time goes back to ancient times.
In the images presented in this paper, the picture makes a transposition of an act of work is a reality that tries to look like something else, into a dramatic scene.

The second picture is a guess human silhouette is doing something but what can not be identified. It is this uncertainty that compels the viewer to fill in your imagination so you can not deduct, you think of a surgeon, an alchemist, in various possibilities, but rarely succeeds in identifying a sculptor working behind a nylon on a large stone.
The darkness that surrounds the scene, the overhead light like an engraving of Rembrandt and the lack of any elements that might refer to a place or a specific time again suggest that attending a theater scene, and yet here too presents a situation in which there is no intention on the part of the protagonist, to produce a different from the real scene. The mystery of the unknown or reside in the plastic elements that make up the image. Darkness reigns at the scene forces the view to focus exclusively on the character and his work, however, leads to sense that what is observed seems to occur in a remote time in which a low light, spotlight, focused on the job site.

In the third image are hands, ropes, blankets ... the scene is something sinister or creepy, you think of bodies hidden crimes. Here too, the reality is much simpler, it just carved arms and covered by other objects such as natural situation in a sculpture studio. The rope, accidentally falls on the hands, bring a very special connotation, suggesting perhaps hands tied, captive.
In this image as in the previous general darkness raises an issue of mystery and concealment, hands and ropes come to mind are images full of meaning that the actual situation does not possess.

Except the first picture, the absence of technological elements (ie air conditioners, keyboards, digital devices, etc..) Is also an important factor to not allow the anchor of the imagination to a specific time, and this contributes to flight imagination to other representations.

These images captured several sculpture workshops led me to reflect on the power of suggestion that have the hidden elements of the image, the viewer is forced to supplement what they can not define or specify your own imagination. And it is here where this mythical concept of a search because the contents of the imagination that are associated with many times from what CG Jung called the collective unconscious which is common roots in the soul of all human beings, and these roots appear as primordial images that enrich the photographer in your search.


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