Thursday, April 10, 2008

How To Build A Mold Pyramid

Act before the camera

theater people for the camera is an embarrassment, a bad time to be spent each time they take to press or just a book.
There is no reason this aversion to the machine, the Cyclops eye that hides the eye of the photographer and executioner is impossible to know what the other what they want to capture, what is your intention.
When someone stands before a mirror can be choosing the angle, correct a pose if necessary, and, finally, just go for no trace when it was happy with the image he saw.
The mirror does not leave tracks.
When it comes to a film or video recording, the rules seem to be more clear to the actor and is also reassuring that transience.
Body image is essential for people working on the scene, exposing this image to capture a freeze without the certainty of the generosity of the photographer to find the best, is a risk that not everyone is willing running. Given this reality it
stance photographer who can take care of their responsibility and be for your model as your best, your earnest mirror, and is also the position of the actor who, by their ability, can find ways to move from a role you feel victim to another in which the protagonist.
first thing you can ask, require a person to pose for a photographer is that you look at it as it is, without a camera in hand, without excessive layers of makeup, just to establish a first link from person to person.
is imperative to divest and deprive the state of solemnity and rigidity that characterize the shoot, and allow the photographer discovers that "click focus" in the small gestures and expressions that are their own and which after being recorded by the camera, cause it means that slight smile: "yes this is mine!".
The actor can be linked in the way he does best: playing as if the photographer and the camera will be part of their range, can integrate into their world stage and play with direct gaze or not the camera, the body attitude which is centered.
Acting is action and that action can exist before the camera, without having to sit and stay still.
is the photographer who must find the time to click.


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