Friday, March 6, 2009

Sailor Jerry's Lady Inside The Bottle

search for a spontaneous portrait Rembrandt


spontaneous portraits, those in which the pose has given way to the latent life is not easy. The first step is the decision of who will photograph beyond the simple freezing of an attitude and pass an instance in which the model can offer and more than stereotypes.

Without this decision, which involves the photographer for a waiver to a position of power, it is possible to think of potential free speech.

In recent months we have worked in workshops to guide photographers found in this search and experience has been very interesting, leaving many contributions to further adjust the shape of the subject.

always start by asking the basic conditions for work of this type: how to look at the person being portrayed, place is given.

is essential to create a space and time which places the photograph and those who are photographed in a different situation that manage to put on a play space.

Area game: this is essential to move the rigid link photographer / model to a more rich and creative.

In the workshops we worked with the actress Veronica Intil that in a first response to the slogans that will raise the participants, ignoring these instructions without discussion and without giving his own, as if he had never participated in a photo shoot, thus photographers begin to see where it is forcing a situation, how get the other what we think we explaining clearly. The enriching the experience is complete when the actress tells everyone what they actually received as a slogan and why react in one way or another.

In a second phase, the roles change, the actress displays her movements and expression in an image search, composition, the photographers try to capture them and requires attention and reflexes. Take then aware of the potential that opens with the space and playing time. This opens a possibility for participants challenge, growth from habits acquired in the picture toward greater freedom in their relationship with the people who are going to shoot, a freedom that leads to real images and more revealing.


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