Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Digital Prism 7 Inch Tv Reviews

Put the body in the picture

theater many years ago, a large cargo ship went through the biggest storm of the century in the North Sea. From the bridge of the River CarcaraƱƔ, fifteen feet above the sea, I saw with my eyes come as huge tidal waves and rounded gray walls that we exceeded in height, and when he seemed set to sweep all life on deck the boat rose with its colossal mass. In that split second was all suspended for falling back into the valley of water. Each of those completions was a lifetime, the wave, its past and present frightening and resolution that would decide if the ship was broken or not.
This profound sense of climbing and suspension was incorporated in me and relive every time, camera in hand at a play, stalking the time of completion of a set of energies that are intertwined, are enhanced, knotted and then re-dissolved in the hole the wave and put back in the preparation of a new climax.
visceral perception is from this connection with my own experience as an actor onto the path of renouncing forever the pose in the picture and in particular, the footage plays.
placed at the scene, preparing to enter the set of players like the ship rushing wave, going in anticipation of the crescendo that in each cycle, leading to the unique moment when everything seems to stop and instantly falls to join forces.
From that position waiting to be joined to the movement of the stage picture, the picture may emerge plastic composition that attracts and allows the resulting picture still contains some of the theatrical life.
Even in cases where necessary for practical reasons to shoot only fragments of a work, the case study photo for example, maintain the conditioning of not posing, posing ever, that the actors reconstruct a fragment of the scene and play it that at each moment in their life there, and that even in the brevity of their bodies that act are traveling a life journey, which in their eyes perceive brightness that gives the action and being present in the here and now of representation.
When an image is powerful and it is unavoidable to achieve repeat the shot, ask the actors to come to her, that as the wave approaching that point with the consciousness of the inevitable moment.
theater photographer involved in the scene not only with his camera and his eye, which is a whole agrees to have the opportunity to feel the place and right time, where the tide seems to stop an infinitesimal moment.