Monday, August 27, 2007

Billard Reifen Können

The scene image Teaching Photography - Workshops and Seminars

This space is dedicated to impart knowledge to those who wish to approach and delve into the art of photographing the human being through intensive practice of study in which every photographer has the opportunity custom work in


  • Portrait and spontaneous portrait
  • natural and studio lighting
  • professional actors and models
  • Nude
  • Image and composition
  • Project Tracking
  • theater
The portrait is one of the arts that require the most attention by the photographer and must concentrate on every gesture and expression of its model while must meet the formal and technical aspects of making and dealing with linked to who is going to portray. For all this intensive training in preparation for portrait is a fluent address other areas of photographic activity.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Programs During Wedding Reception

Iphigenia In Dir Agustina Gatto